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蜂蜜树村和所有的蜂房。Honeytree and all the hives.

现在去卖蜂箱已经晚了。It is late for the hives already.

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蛋白过敏的宝宝,麻疹。The darling of albumen allergy, hives.

怎样治疗慢性寻麻疹?。How does cure search hives chronically?

刚吃完,他的脸上立即起了麻疹。Immediately, his face broke out in hives.

她脸上和手上突然全发出了荨麻疹。Hives erupted all over her face and hands.

如何治疗慢性浔麻疹?。How to treat waterside chronically hives ?

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治疗寻麻疹的方法是什么啊?。What is treating the method that finds hives ?

麻疹和猩红热都好发于儿童。Hives and scarlatina are good hair at children.

治疗寻麻疹的方法有哪些?。Does cure search the method of hives what to there is?

在采蜜时蜂巢和树木往往被毁坏。The hives and trees are often destroyed during collection.

如果你说“复古”太多遍,你也许会得咽喉炎,甚至死亡。If you say “retro” too much you will get hives and maybe die.

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这春季好多养蜂人发现它们的蜂房是空的。There were beekeepers who found their hives empty this spring.

人渣恶棍混迹的肮脏场所却总有最好的音乐。Wretched hives of scum and villainy always have the best music.

他们说,他们在科雷兹蜂巢上不能有这样好的收获。They said they don't obtain such rich supplies from their Corrèze hives.

输注丙种球蛋白的副作用大多很温和,包括轻微的头痛、皮疹或者荨麻疹。Most side effects are very modest and can include mild headache, rash or hives.

这种蜂蜜提取自新西兰的蜂巢,然后用伽玛射线进行处理。It’s derived from bee hives in New Zealand and then treated with gamma radiation.

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所有蜂箱已挪到附近的牧场,以便蜜蜂能回到蜂房内。The hives have since been moved to nearby pastures in hopes the bees will return.

这样就可以把蜂房摞起来,因巢框是通用尺寸,故可在蜂房间交换,人们可事先准备好巢框。This makes hives stackable and since the frames are of universal size, they can be

当组胺在皮肤中释放时,就会引起一种皮疹,称作荨麻疹。When the histamines are released in the skin, you get a type of rash called hives.