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她很迷银器。She has a passion for silverware.

自己家里有银器。He has his own silverware at home.

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新华村以制作银器而闻名。Xinhua Village is famous for it's silverware.

对付银器也是同样的方法。The same technique can be used for silverware.

这是他吃晚饭的时候从银器里偷的吗?Had he stolen it from the silverware at dinner?

他用一块干净的干布将银器擦亮。He rubbed up the silverware with a clean dry cloth.

竭诚提供琉璃艺术品,收藏品及银饰挂饰。Provide dedicated glass art, collectibles and silverware tall.

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正确操作抛光机器去保证更好的清洗银器。Operate burnishing machine to ensure proper finish on silverware.

我们永远的目标都是获取奖杯和冠军。Our constant aim will be to compete for silverware and championships.

在那时的情况下,我想没几个人会赌老巴会最终捧得银杯子。At this stage few would bet on him carrying home a piece of silverware.

下表是一尘不染奠定细银器和韦奇伍德瓷器。The tables were immaculately laid with fine silverware and Wedgwood china.

一家公司从事银器的生产,并根据需求将银器发送给它的供应商。A company is manufacturing silverware and shipping it to its vendors on demand.

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为把银器擦亮,我们必须花几个小时很费劲地擦拭。Trying to get the silverware clean we have to exert ourselves to rub away for hours.

住在附近的会送瓷器、银器或小两口儿成家后用的东西。Those who live close will give china, silverware or something for the couple's house.

刚一落座,我就被面前摆放的银器弄得眼花缭乱。As I took my seat I was greeted by a dazzling array of silverware at my place setting.

苗族银饰上呈现出的“多”的艺术特征,也是十分惊人的。Miao silverware on the showing of the "many" of the art features, is also very striking.

欧联杯是本赛季利物浦所能收获的唯一冠军头衔。The Europa League represents Liverpool's only realistic chance of silverware this season.

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这是穆里尼奥在意大利足球界以及在接手国际后的首个奖杯。This is Mourinho's first piece of silverware in Italian football and since taking over at Inter.

所有盘子都用完了堆在那里,大家纷纷在用塑料银餐具和纸盘子。All the dishes were dirty and everyone was confined to using plastic silverware and paper plates.

该情景模拟向注册客户出售古董银器的在线商店。The scenario is modeled around an online shop selling antique silverware to registered customers.