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听着,你这个可怜的小混蛋。Look here, you snotty little creep.

这完全是是一个无足轻重的人的下贱的贬低。It's a snotty takedown of a straw man.

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没人喜欢那些自以为高人一等的傲慢的家伙。No one likes snotty people who think they’re better than everyone else.

你自大的观点就是在浪费时间,也不能改变任何事。Your snotty comments are a waste of time and will do nothing to change anything.

这些人无论如何都不会喜欢一个自以为对管理技巧很懂行的傲慢伦敦人。They were never going to like a snotty Londoner being superior about management fads anyway.

“过来,”稍大一些的那个女孩轻蔑地说道,“你不会稀罕一个乳臭未干的小子的。”"Come on, " sneered the older girl disdainfully. "You wouldn't want a snotty brat on your hands. "

人们对我的印象是一个讨厌的贱人。但我比他们想象的更具有侵略性。People's impression that I'm a snotty bitch. I'm a little more aggressive than people would assume.

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她可能像孩子一样被宠坏了,又或者她被周围很多朋友宠照着。She may have been spoiled as a child, or perhaps she has just hung around too many snotty girlfriends for her own good.

劳拉说服了空乔克斯图尔特酒的一些眼镜,一个流鼻涕的“暴发户暴发户”在一间酒吧在爱尔兰的某个地方。Lara got persuaded to empty some glasses of wine with Jock Stewart, a snotty "nouveau-riche" in a pub somewhere in Ireland.

追忆浪漫的巴黎蜜月或许会使你想到你呆过的索价过高的那个旅馆的自大的服务员。Reminiscing about, say, that romantic Paris honeymoon might land you thinking about the snotty bellhop at the overpriced hotel where you stayed.

而且细菌会从你的嘴里跑到耳朵上、跑到你的口袋里、桌子上、孩子的小手上、商店的柜台面上,那么你上次清洗手机是在什么时候?It goes from your mouth to your ear to your pocket to your desk to your kids snotty hands to random countertops in stores and when was the last time you cleaned it?

普京在选前利用民族主义情绪,声称俄罗斯必须保持警惕,阻止其他人对其事务指手画脚。Putin, drawing on resurgent nationalist sentiment ahead of Sunday's poll, said Russia must maintain its defenses to discourage others from "poking their snotty noses" in its affairs.