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我想住在寂静的地方。I want to live somewhere noiseless.

采用无噪音密封滚珠轴承。Use noiseless sealed ball bearings.

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静音切无振动操作。Virtually noiseless and vibration-free operation.

时间的不可听见的无声脚步。---莎士比亚。The inaudible and noiseless foot of Time. --- Shakespeare.

蓦地,山脊上一只夜枭飞扑直下,悄无声响而赫然如一道火光。An owl swoops from the ridge top, noiseless but bright as flame.

使用空气缸定位,无噪音,易于保养。Adopting air-controlled positioning, noiseless and easy for maintenance.

最近的研究和研究报告,一些公司正在无声电脑。With recent researches and studies, some companies are making noiseless computers.

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我们所需要的是一个可供机器查询“无声”信息的知识库。What is needed is a knowledge base for machines to look up "noiseless" information.

内部传动为电机减速机直联,传动平稳、耐用、无噪音。Inernal transmission is motor reducer direct connection. It is steady, durable and noiseless.

独特的静音、传动技能设计使手推车走行无声、轻飘。Unique design of noiseless and transmission technology makes it quiet and brisk while moving.

正如在图4单独供应和参考痕迹,应该是用来维持一个无声的供应。As in Figure 4 separate supply and reference traces should be used to maintain a noiseless supply.

在这片巍峨壮丽的建筑群下,衣着入时的男女乘坐无噪音的运输工具穿梭往来。Beneath their imposing mass, smartly dressed men and women zip about on noiseless transit systems.

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密封油脂盒内的斜齿轮转动无声,延长了机器寿命。Bevel gears enclosed in grease-packed cases. that promise the machine run noiseless and have longer life.

他不再去弄那些无声的透明小生物了,却象个调节者似的指着逐渐扩散的涟漪的中心。He abandoned the noiseless transparencies and pointed at the centre of the spreading rings like a setter.

三辆备用车静悄悄地跟在他们的座车后面,每一辆都配备了专用司机,以备主车发生故障。Behind them, a noiseless parade of three spare vehicles in case the main one failed, each with its driver.

布兰德表示,她倾向于咖啡,中软铅笔,一个无声的便携式打字机。Brande expresses her preference for coffee, a medium-soft lead pencil, and a noiseless portable typewriter.

第三章讨论了光学参量图像放大系统对微弱光学图像的无噪声放大。In chapter 3, the noiseless amplification of optical images in the parametric image amplifier is discussed.

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轻身及无声的革命辊确保平稳和安全运送轻至重物。Light and noiseless revolution of rollers ensures a smooth and safe conveyance of lightweight to heavy loads.

音乐欣赏的功能在于以“无声之乐”标识自由人格及移风易俗。Music appreciations function is manifesting free personality through noiseless music and transforming social traditions.

在这样的时刻里,我们内心深处就可以聆听上帝令人赞叹的创造物所发出的无声见证。In such a moment, we could hear with the ears of our innermost being the noiseless testimony of God's breathtaking creation.