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阿莫罗索是一名极具天赋的球员,他找到了他应在的位置,并尽力表现。Amoroso is a very intelligent player, he finds his niche and performs.

1983年,詹妮尔和比利在一名甘蔗农手中买下了马克斯。Janelle and Billy bendert Max from a bounded amoroso pikestaff agriculturalist in 1983.

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阿莫鲁索也没有准备停当,他的双腿需要更多练习。卡福也不能出场。Amoroso isn't ready yet as he needs some more work in his legs, Cafu isn't available either.

不过阿莫罗索和其他招聘者也表示,他们也在寻找拥有黑客心态的电脑科学家。But Amoroso and other recruiters say they also look for computer scientists with a hacker's mentality.

这一点非常重要,尤其是在公司各个互不相干的分支机构开发新技术的时候。This is important, Amoroso says, especially as disparate branches of companies explore new technology.

马尔西奥。阿莫鲁索在最后时刻的一粒戏剧性的点球帮助米兰2-1击败罗马,用一场胜利结束了这个赛季。A dramatic late penalty from Marcio Amoroso gave Milan a 2-1 win over Roma to finish the season in winning fashion.

如果你想要一个比较,我想你会说我是以前的阿莫鲁索,或者是里昂的射手弗雷德。If you want a comparison, then I suppose you could say I resemble the early Amoroso , or perhaps Lyon striker Fred.

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上赛季两队在最后一轮遭遇,米兰2-1获得了胜利,卡卡和阿莫鲁索为米兰建功,而为罗马得分的是梅克斯。The two sides met on the final day of last season when Milan won 2-1, with Kakà and Amoroso scoring while Mexes netted for the visitors.

马尔蒂尼、皮尔洛和阿莫鲁索在跑道上练习快速跑,其余球员在作完伸展运动后在健身房结束了训练。Maldini, Pirlo and Amoroso they went off track for some sprints, while the other players stretched and did strength training before ending in the gym.

在曼哈顿,阿莫鲁索带领着一个由40名研究人员组成的实验室,他们正在开发一款移动安全产品,美国电话电报公司希望能将其销售给企业和个人用户。Amoroso heads up a Manhattan-based lab of about 40 researchers who are working on a mobile security product that AT&T hopes to sell to both enterprise customers and consumers.

米兰很有可能放弃在一月而来却没登场几次的阿莫鲁索,但是对于索比斯而言他可以被明是一个有用的引进。It's possible that the Rossoneri will let go of Marcio Amoroso , who arrived in January and barely set foot on the playing field, but he could prove useful as an introduction for Sobis.

不仅公司的管理层要将信息安全视为头等要务,信息安全人员本身也要向管理层做出一些妥协,要尽量使自己传递的信息变得更加有趣易懂。While a company's brass must make information security a priority, security personnel also need to meet management half way by making their messages interesting and accessible, Amoroso says.

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克雷斯波很有可能在下重回红黑军团出任第四前锋,而这支意大利球队中的巴西人阿莫鲁索则会重返他曾经辉煌过的乌迪内斯。With all probability Hernan Crespo will return to the Rossoneri this season to be the fourth striker of the Italian side and replace Amoroso who will most like re-join his former team Udinese.