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我得走了。I gotta go.

鱼要游泳。Fish gotta swim.

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你必须找到卡伯特。You gotta find Cabot.

它应该是个人化的。It’s gotta be personal.

我得向前看,贺凯。I gotta look ahead hecky.

你做你要做的就是了。You do what you gotta do.

我得离开这儿了。I’ve gotta get outta here.

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你得过会儿再来。You gotta come back later.

你得学着听清楚点。You gotta learn to listen.

必须承认,我有点好奇。I gotta admit, I'm curious.

我需要一点咖啡因。I gotta have some caffeine.

他说,我们得干一架。He said, We gotta fistfight.

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我得走了。祝我好运吧!I gotta go now. Wish me luck!

谁可以把这个放进去?Who's gotta do it? Put it in?

你应该为爱情冒一次险。You gotta risk love. Risk it!

稍等一下,有些工作要做。Brb, gotta get some work done.

你们也很萌很美型有没有。You gotta have a little faith.

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有事吗,没事?那挂了啊。Anything else? I gotta hang up.

但是我们得看看他的真本事。But we gotta see what he's got.

回头要好好提高搜身术咯。I gotta get better at frisking.