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一个单身老人孤独的住在爱达华州。An old man lived alone in Idaho.

有半个爱达荷那么大的一个农场。A farm that’s half the state of Idaho.

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在爱达荷州,爱达荷市,美乐家,inc。In Idaho Falls, Idaho, melaleuca, inc.

它最近被野放回爱达荷州的森林。She was recently released in a forest in Idaho.

1885年,诗人以期拉庞德出生在爱达荷州。In 1885 , poet ezra pound was born in hailey , idaho.

他爱达荷州的一个小镇,和他父亲一起经营农场。He was from a small town in Idaho and farmed with his father.

保罗·邓纳姆,83岁,正在他爱达荷州海登市的家里折一条毛毯。Paul Dunham, 83, folds a blanket in his home in Hayden, Idaho.

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阿成第二个“大陨石坑的月球陨石坑在爱达荷州”瞧不起。A look down into a second "big crater" at Craters of the Moon in Idaho.

总统今天去了爱达荷,他在那里接见了马铃薯种植园主。The President traveled to idaho today,where he met with potato farmers.

保罗邓纳姆,83,站在他的海登,爱达荷州的家中他的卧室的窗户。Paul Dunham 83 stands in his bedroom window at his home in Hayden Idaho.

作为州长,他为保护爱达荷州和附近的自然资源做出了巨大的贡献。As bey, he made enormous contribution to protect Idaho city and the rich around.

爱达荷、蒙大拿和怀俄明三州计划将灰狼列入狩猎比赛类猎物。Idaho , Montana and Wyoming plan to allow the animal to be hunted as trophy game.

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这些数据将会传输到爱达荷州国家实验室用于以后编写给能源部的报告。The data will get wired to Idaho National Laboratory for use in future DOE reports.

1961年,作家欧内斯特。海明威在爱达荷州克琦姆家中开枪自尽。In 1961, author Ernest Hemingway shot himself to death at his home in Ketchum, Idaho.

佩林在爱达荷大学获新闻学学位,副修学科是政治学。She has a degree in journalism with a minor in politics from the University of Idaho.

它位于爱达荷州,距离奥罗菲洛市约6公里。It was built in the state of Idaho about six kilometers away from the city of Orofino.

双瀑城美国爱达荷州中南部波卡特路的西边的一个城市,位于蛇河双生瀑布附近。A city of south-central Idaho west of Pocatello near the Twin Falls of the Snake River.

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我南方的一个城镇,那里的人口比整个爱达荷州的总人口都多。I was from a Southern town, which had a ater population than the entire state of Idaho.

但它远在爱达荷州的蛇河谷却也并非不可能。It wasn't impossible even though it was a long way from the Snake River Vally in Idaho.

这些沙丘鹤是和大约30只美洲鸣鹤一起从爱达荷州的野生动物保护区迁徙过来的。The sandhills, along with some 30 whooping cranes, migrate from Grays Lake NWR in Idaho.