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那么,我们正在经历又一个魏玛时刻吗?Are we at another Weimar moment now?

1919年8月11日,魏玛宪法生效。On 11 August 1919, the Weimar Constitution came into effect.

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在威玛时期之后,这种结合达到了高潮。After the Weimar period, the integration achieved its climax.

他列举了威玛政权的错误和腐败。He listed off the misdeeds and corruptions of the weimar regime.

一系列戏剧性的事件标志着魏玛共和国的终结。A series of dramatic events marked the end of the Weimar Republic.

本论文分为三个部分对威玛的半总统制作讨论。In this desseration I will discuss the Weimar Republic in three parts.

人们通常认为这种灵感可以追溯到影响牛顿成长的魏玛和纳粹文化。Often their inspiration can be traced back to the Weimar and Nazi cultures in which Newton grew up.

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当我躺在病床上时,我已经读过了魏玛共和国和第三帝国的历史。I had already done the reading about the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich while I was in my sickbed.

他经历过德意志帝国,第一次世界大战,威玛共和国,和第二次世界大战。He had lived through the German Empire, the First World War, the Weimar Republic and the Second World War.

布痕瓦尔德德国中部,靠近魏玛的一村庄,第二次世界大战期间纳粹集中营所在地。A village of central Germany near Weimar. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.

包豪斯是一所包含有设计,建筑和工艺技术教育的学校,在1919年由瓦尔特“格罗皮乌斯建于魏玛。The Bauhaus was a school of design, building, and craftsmanship founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919.

这种经济政治环境堪比德国魏玛以及阿根廷庇隆党。The economic and political atmosphere shares certain parallels with Weimar Germany or Pre-Peronist Argentina.

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虽然魏玛帝国的故事是社会分化的永久性案例,它却无法对今天的情况有所启示。While the Weimar tale is a timeless study of social disintegration, it cannot shed much light on events today.

他是在魏玛共和国反犹主义甚嚣尘上、通货膨胀不可控制的动乱年代中成长起来的。He grew up in the turbulent years under the Weimar Republic with anti-Semitism galloping and inflation out of control.

到1921年,他是该团体的指面者,1923年收导一个没有胜利的狡计颠覆在朝的德国魏玛共战国。By 1921 he was the leader of the group, and in 1923 led an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the ruling German Weimar Republic.

其次,是什麽原因造成威玛的半总统制相当不稳定的宪政运作?Second, what were the conditions which, provided by the semi-presidential constitution, have made the Weimar Republic so unstable?

魏玛时期的教育现代化进程主要表现出法制化、非宗教化、民主化和职业化的特点。The education modernization drive in Weimar demonstrated the characteristics of legalization, non-religion, democratization and professionalism.

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在德国魏玛共和国期间,经济急速下降,引发了一场政治危机以及1933年纳粹政权的登场。In Germany during the Weimar Republic, the economy spiraled down, leading to a political crisis and the rise to power of the Nazis in January 1933.

康定斯基在1921年收到的使命前往德国参加包豪斯魏玛,邀请其创始人,建筑师沃尔特格罗皮乌斯。In 1921 Kandinsky received the mission to go to Germany to attend the Bauhaus of Weimar , on the invitation of its founder, the architect Walter Gropius.

赔款对德国来说并不算什么,但德国人很容易把一切问题归咎于赔款,并延伸到魏玛政权。Yet this mattered little to the Germans, for whom it was all too easy to attribute every problem to reparations, and by extension to the Weimar government.