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它们是温室气体。They are greenhouse gases.

蔬菜是在田园生长还是温室养殖?Farm-fresh or greenhouse grown?

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我要为她建造一个花房。I'm gonna to build her a greenhouse.

植物在温室里培育。Plants are nurtured in the greenhouse.

氮化物一氧化氮也是温室气体的一种。Nitrous oxide is also a greenhouse gas.

热带植物在温室里茁壮生长。Tropical plants thrive in a greenhouse.

人们可以买到现成的玻璃暖房。You can buy your greenhouse ready-made.

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搭建塑料棚,形成塑料温室。To put up plastic shed to form greenhouse.

那种蔬菜在大棚里长得很快。That vegetable grows fast in the greenhouse.

生根的小苗在温室里生长良好。The rooted plantlets survived in greenhouse.

一名杂货商在一个海湾附近建造了一个温室。A grocer built up a greenhouse nearby a gulf.

生根的小苗在温室里生长良好。The rooted plantlets grew well in greenhouse.

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他们只好用烟熏温室里的植物。They had to smoke the plants in a greenhouse.

我们这个温室比起你们那个简直是小巫见大巫。Our greenhouse is nothing compared with yours.

从这方面来讲,云与温室气体类似。In this respect, clouds are like greenhouse gases.

这些含氯氟烃化学物质也是主要的温室气体。These chemicals are also important greenhouse gases.

我们可以建立一套控制温室气体排放的体制。We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gases.

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不满其实是一个改变的“魂灵温室”。Discontent is actually a "soul greenhouse" of change.

所以金星在温室效应的影响下会逐渐干枯。Hence Venus withers under a runaway greenhouse effect.

这样水蒸气的温室效应就会产生更大的影响。Its own greenhouse effect would make for more warming.