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他于1858年,曾寄给我关于本题的一篇论文。In 1858 he sent me a memoir on this subject.

总统的回忆录重现了一个过去的时代。The president's memoir disinterred a past era.

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她说她看过关于我的转变的自传。She said she’d read my memoir about my transition.

柏克利出版公司立即取消了出版其自传的计划。Berkley Books swiftly dropped plans to publish his memoir.

麦克莱伦写了一本揭露所有事情的回忆录,以此表示对布什总统的不满。McClellan has written a tell-all memoir that's critical of Bush.

回到美国后,她开始渐渐退出演艺圈,转而写回忆录。Back in America, she became a recluse and wrote a splendid memoir

我也写回忆录在法国关于妇女世纪第十九次。I'm also writing a memoir about women in XIXth century in France.

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作者在阅读完沈国强先生回忆录之后,深有所感。The author has deep feelings after reading Shenguoqiang's memoir.

我坐在飞机上,膝盖上放着诺拉蒂·阿里的回忆录。Sitting in an airplane, I have on my lap the memoir of Nujood Ali.

他在自传中写到自己受阿斯泰尔夸奖时是多么激动。He records in his memoir how thrilled he was when Astaire praised him.

大洋对岸,布莱尔厚厚实实的自传就更显得过时。Across the Atlantic, Blair's chunky memoir will seem even more antique.

但在这本平静如水的自传中,这样不和谐的小插曲只不过是稍显浑浊的浅滩罢了。But such episodes are just turbid pools in the limpid stream of memoir.

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我想写一部我在美籍阿拉伯人家庭成长的回忆录。I wanted to write a memoir about growing up in my Arab-American family.

九月他出版了一本回忆录,其中他将自己比喻成亨利五世。September he published a memoir in which he compared himself to Henry V.

九月他出版了一本回忆录,其中他将自己比喻成亨利五世。September he published a memoir in which he compared himself to Henry V.

马克思爵士在回忆录里几乎没有提到自己,这无妨大碍。That Sir Max reveals little about himself in this memoir hardly matters.

他的回忆录并没有上流行书排名榜,但是他把过去理顺了。His memoir hadn ' t been a best seller , but he had put the past in order.

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据我所知,回忆录的主要内容,就是谈自己在沉默中的感受。As far as I know, the main content of memoir is about his feeling in silence.

欧森的书编纂了论文集,并附上了一项有发生过同性性行为的132名男性参与的网络线上调查。Olson's book weaves memoir with an online survey of 132 men who have sex with men.

我所能想到最接近的就是莎拉西维尔文的回忆录中提到的尿床.The closest I can even think of is Sarah Silverman's memoir about wetting the bed.