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为什么呢,是为了得到一个稳定的单元。Why? To get a stable octet.

八位组为风,在电子商务大调,作品。Octet for winds in E flat major, Op.

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所以它就能达到稳定结构。So, it would achieve octet stability.

这样,我就以一种新方式得到八电子稳定结构。And, I've achieved octet stability in a new way.

左边和右边的氮原子都满足八隅律。Here is octet for the left, octet for the right.

这些的发生是为了达到8电子稳态结构。And this occurs in order to achieve octet stability.

八电子稳定结构反映的就是这个特性。Octet stability is the term applied to this feature.

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我们也同样实现了八隅体。And, we have achieved octet stability in the same way.

因此,八隅体规则是一条普适的规则,对于所有原子来说都是。So, the octet rule is a general rule that you'll for all of the atoms.

我们还梦想着再找来些人一起演奏门德尔松的八重奏。We harbour ambitions of putting together a group for the Mendelssohn Octet.

这就是所谓的八隅体规则,是路易斯在,1902,年提出来的。So this is the idea of the octet rule that Lewis came up with way back in 1902.

这就是所谓的八隅体规则,是路易斯在,1902,年提出来的。So this is the idea of the octet rule that Lewis came up with way back in 1902.

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但是每个氟原子现在都有八个电子,或者说周围有一个填满的八隅体。But that each individual fluorine atom has eight electrons, or full octet around it.

氮,因为只有它的“八隅体“,还没有填满。The nitrogen. The reason being that's the only one that didn't have a full octet yet.

那么,如果我们讨论的是氢原子,它是目前我们遇到的八隅体规则的唯一例外。So, if we're talking about hydrogen, that's our one exception so far to the octet rule.

所以我们有八电子结构,它看起来和化学惰性有关。So, we have an octet of the electrons that seems to be associated with chemical inertness.

因此为了填满它们,他必须放上八个电子或者说一个“八隅体“,在立方体周围。So in order to fill them, he would have to have eight electrons or an octet around the cubes.

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假设我们猜测,八电子结构能够带来稳定。Let's say, suppose we hypothesize that an octet of the electrons is going to lead to stability.

言归正传,昨天我们讲的是伯恩哈勃循环,和8电子稳定结构。OK, last day, you talked about the Born-Haber cycle, and octet stability via electron transfer.

我们从八隅律的稳定性假设开始,我们讨论到了离子晶体的性质。We started with this hypothesis of octet stability and I'm talking about properties of ionic crystals.