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很多作者?Right? Multiple authorship. Yeah?

请求获得作品原作者身份的权利The right to claim authorship of the work

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使徒著述才是他们的考虑标准。Apostolic authorship was one thing they talk about.

他们都认为他是这本书的作者。They all accredited him with the authorship of this book.

你如何总结作者和创作方式?What might you conclude about its authorship or manner of composition?

最后,在我42岁那年,这些作品终于将我压垮了。Finally, at the age of 42, this secret authorship began to wear me down.

本文透过诗歌的溯源探流,考察唐代联句诗在文学史上的意义。This paper want to indagate the meaning of Tang's Joint Authorship Poems.

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我还可以引用其他论据证明莎士比亚为原作者。There are other arguments I might adduce to vindicate Shakespeare's authorship.

参加活动的作品归属主办单位所有,作者享有署名权。The right of works belongs to the organizer, and the author has the right of authorship.

正如原创性的概念和文化息息相关一样,权威的概念也和文化交织在一起。Just as an understanding of authorship is bound up in culture,so are notions of authority.

本文对民间文学领域流行的集体作者观提出质疑。This article challenges the widely-accepted doctrine of collective authorship in folklore.

国家版权局负责提供各类著作权许可使用合同的标准样式。"Work" means the copyrightable work of authorship offered under the terms of this License.

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作者身份一旦确定,适用著作权法第二十一条的规定。Article 21 of the Law shall be applicable after authorship of the work becomes ascertained.

这样,就可以在相关文档的内部或外部表示原创作者信息。Thus, authorship information can be expressed inside or outside of the documents concerned.

软件开发者的开发者身份权的保护期不受限制。There is no limit on the period of protection of the software developer's right of authorship.

“所有的事情正在发生变化,但有一点是一致的——作者模式”,他说。“Of all the things that are changing, one thing is consistent — the authorship model, ” he said.

该文阐述了医学论文作者署名的意义、条件、写法和误区。In is article meanings, conditions, methods and misleadings of authorship in medical papers are discussed.

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罗马天主教堂没有对圣经文本的作者,提出正式的学理立场。The Roman Catholic Church has no official doctrinal position on the authorship of the different pieces of the Bible.

如同“以计划管理”哲学暗示的,管理的身份是恰当项目管理的核心么?Is managerial authorship central to the proper management of a project, as the Management By Planning philosophy implies?

这不仅催促的去为找到这个粒子开展互相竞赛,而且也催促人们去建立其背后想法的所有者身份。This gave new urgency not only to the race to find the particle, but also to establishing authorship of the ideas behind it.