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是什么引发的闪回?What is the trigger?

他扣动扳机。He pulled the trigger.

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她扣动了猎枪的扳机。She pulled the trigger.

最终,他没有扣下扳机。He didn't pull the trigger.

这支枪装著微力扳机。This gun has a hair trigger.

这支枪装着微力扳机。This gun has a hair trigger.

味精对我而言是一个主要的过敏原。MSG is a major trigger for me.

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尘螨会导致过敏。Dust mites can trigger allergies.

创建触发器处理程序文件包Create the trigger handler package

但是还有其他的触发点。But there are other trigger points.

好,你现在可以按下快门了。Okey. You can pull the trigger now.

振动报警、触发报警、防抢报警。Alarm on shock, trigger and robbery.

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印度核潜艇下水将引发军备竞赛。Indian N-sub will trigger arms race.

巴克放下搭住扳机的手。Buck's hand dropped from the trigger.

这一协议很可能会会激发其他人。This deal could perhaps trigger others.

开枪只需扣一下扳机就可以了。To fire the gun, just pull the trigger.

他们的手指总是扣着扳机。Their fingers are always on the trigger.

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点火器是引擎的启动装置。The ignitor is the trigger of the engine.

危机总是会引发互相指责。Crises invariably trigger finger-pointing.

说别怪我,我没扣扳机?Don't blame us we didn't pull the trigger?