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我让你别动。I said freeze.

不要冻坏了自己。Don't freeze himself.

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不许动!否则我开枪了!Freeze or I 'll shoot!

你你说不许动是什么意思?What do you mean freeze?

你们为什么冷冻鱼?Why do you freeze the fish?

我的肺很可能都会结冻。I'd probably freeze my lungs.

我快要冻死了。I'm about to freeze to death.

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因为它们冻结在脑海。For they freeze within the brain.

恐惧使他突然停止前进。Fear made him freeze in his tracks.

没有用过的别乱说,好不好。Have not used the Freeze said, okay.

如果池塘是从底部向上结冰的。Ponds would freeze from the bottom up.

我要多买些肉冻起来。I'll buy extra meat and just freeze it.

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我们冷冻水的时候,水变成冰。When we freeze water,it turns into ice.

再远之,行星会冰冻。Any farther, and the planet will freeze.

将水结冻就会转为冰。When you freeze water, it turns into ice.

使用简便容器,冰冻剩菜剩饭。Freeze leftovers in manageable containers.

把煮好的五花腩放在雪柜冷冻。Freeze the pork belly in the refrigerator.

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在市内,大小湖泊也全面封冻了。In the city the lakes freeze over as well.

真正的友谊遇到寒冬也不会结冻。Real friendship does not freeze in winter.

当空气冷却时,水珠凝结。When it cools down, water droplets freeze.