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我的梦想就是超越我自己!My dream is just to overstep myself!

对我来说日本实在是难以逾越的一堵墙。For me , Japan is really a wall I can't overstep it.

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那些到处卖弄公然逾越社交规范的人。Those who publicly overstep the mark by their ostentation.

所有那些逾越界限的人们都将受到她无情的鞭笞与惩罚。All those who overstep the limit are pitilessly punished by her.

通货膨胀下的负利率又进一步诱发了超前消费。And the minus interest rate further induces overstep consumption.

“口述历史”超越了现阶段我国档案工作的边界了吗?。Does "Oral History" Overstep Bounds of Archival Work of Our Present Stage?

阿波罗警告维吉尔,作为一个田园诗人,不要妄想着逾越他的界限。Apollo warns Virgil that a pastoral poet simply shouldn't overstep his bounds.

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阿波罗警告维吉尔,作为一个田园诗人,不要妄想着逾越他的界限。Apollo warns Virgil that a pastoral poet simply shouldn't overstep his bounds.

我国则是后发并超越韩、日的最大受害国。Then our country overstep the Korea, Japan became the biggest victimize country.

含有表面活性剂、粘着剂和延展剂的农药增效剂。Overstep No2 is a pesticide synergist containing surface active agent, diffusing agent.

灵感带来突然之间的发现、突破、超越与升腾。Inspiration brings about the discovery, development, overstep and leaping up all of a sudden.

重点对TPS系统的配置、操作权限、超驰调节系统等进行了较详细的介绍。The configure of TPS system, operate limits and overstep control system are addressed in detail.

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如果你能察觉到女孩心中犹豫不决,那就约她吧,并向她保证你是不会越界的。If you sense any hesitation, ask her out, making sure to let her know you won't overstep boundaries

用级数展开简化超越三角方程,避免了迭代求解的麻烦,提高了曲线拟合效率。The overstep equation of triangle is simplified with expanding series to improve computing efficiency.

任何固守本本、漠视实践、超越或落后于实际生活的做法都不会得到成功。Any actions that stick to dogma, ignore practice, or overstep or lag behind real life will not succeed.

而外界专家怎对此结论持怀疑态度,认为结论超出了资料的限度。Several outside experts, however, are sceptical, and say that the paper's conclusions overstep its data.

新哲学应该在多种规定性上表现出对以往和现有哲学的继承和超越。This new philosophy should inherit and overstep the previous and the current philosophies in various prescriptions.

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其抗战爱国人格、高洁刚直人格、深沉忧患人格对社会主流人格的超越决定了其悲剧人生的必然性。At the same time, we can see that his personalities overstep the society main current personality. It is his tragedy.

“实践存在论美学”力图超越传统本体论,实际上陷入更深的形而上学。The "practical ontology aesthetics" tries to overstep traditional ontology but in fact falls into deeper metaphysics.

对于哪些朋友能给予哪些不能给予要很敏感—无论是时间,精力或帮助,不要逾越界限,反之亦然。Be sensitive to how much your friend can and can't offer you –be it time, energy or help –and don't overstep the mark.