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那场足球邀请赛因下大雪被取消了。The invitational football match was snowed off.

2008年参加威扬盛世中国名家邀请展。In 2008 Chinese famous states-soviet accurate invitational exhibition.

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苏丹杯则是东南亚队伍的邀请赛。The Sultan"s Cup is an invitational tournament for teams of Southeast Asia.

现定居上海为职业画家,任上海3A画廊特约画家兼艺术总监。He is also the invitational artist and the art director of 3A Gallery in Shanghai.

北京国际游泳跳水友好邀请赛今天开幕了。Beijing International Swimming and Diving Friendship Invitational Meet opened today.

“邀请赛”部分的格式表示,没有该地区的优秀运动员被邀请。The "invitational" part of the format was that none of the area's elite players was invited.

在2005年,他回到他的老形式赢得了别克邀请赛,福特锦标赛。In 2005, he returned to his old form by winning the Buick Invitational and Ford Championship.

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来自世界各地的职业选手都来参加到了这次的邀请赛。Pro-gamers from all over the world have traveled to BlizzCon to participate in the Invitational.

今年的国际乒乓球友谊邀请赛将在中国举行。The International Table Tennis Friendship Invitational Tournament will be held in China this year.

邀请教育是一种基于知觉心理学、自我概念理论和人本主义教育观的教育理论。Invitational Education is a theory based on perceptual tradition, self concept theory and humanism.

美国平面设计艺术家,美国科罗拉多国际海报双年展组委会主席之一。Graphic designer and artist, co-director of Colorado International Invitational Poster Exhibition, USA.

今年我们将延续以往的传统并且扩大为亚洲规模的RUEDA邀请赛。This year we will continue the tradition of the past and to expand the size of Asia RUEDA Invitational.

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2006年中国油画邀请展,中外博艺画廊,北京。In 2006, An Invitational Chinese Oil Painting Artists Exhibition, Zhongwai Boyi Gallery, Beijing, China.

前几年还在范泾乡举行了嘉兴市踏白船邀请赛。Fan Jing River Township, a few years ago is still held in Jiaxing city, riding a white boat Invitational.

在此前的三星杯预选赛中,他也一路闯关取得本赛席位。In the Tristar cup invitational meet before this, his also group overcomes an obstacle obtains this match seat.

但是这位19岁的玩家对于这项比赛还是很满意的,他认为赛事的组织非常出色。Nonetheless, the 19-year-old was very satisfied with the invitational , and he thinks the organisation was excellent.

向积极参与本次邀请赛的各个代表队表示热烈的祝贺!Express warm congratulations to each representative team who participates in second invitational tournaments actively!

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吸引教育作为政治课教学中的重要方法,得到了相关理论的支持。As an important method in the teaching of politics, the Invitational Education is based on some theories relative to it.

邀请模式的理论思想和实践经验对改进我国学校心理辅导工作具有借鉴意义。The theory and practice of Invitational Approach is of great significance for guidance and counseling in Chinese schools.

美国脱口秀节目主持人杰•雷诺对老虎伍兹在8月11日普利司通邀请赛上的表现不敢恭维。US TV host Jay Leno was less than complimentary about Tiger Woods’ performance at the Bridgestone Invitational on Aug 11.