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我的身体。My body.

我就是我的身体。I am my body.

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身体字母表。Body alphabet.

身体刺穿?Body piercing?

他的尸体将腐烂。His body will rot.

这就是她的身体。This was her body.

用上你的下半身。Use your lower body.

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还有我身旁你的玉体。Your body near mine.

所有人都踩在他身上.All step on his body.

身体要常保持清洁。Keep your body clean!

他们挖出他的尸体。They dug his body up.

直到我的身躯化成灰。Till my body is dust.

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那都是身体负责的事That's all body stuff.

我会伤害我的身体吗?Was I hurting my body?

血液在体内循环。Blood flows round body.

我浑身都是汗啊!!!My body is Khan ah! ! !

因此,听从你的身体。So listen to your body.

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我的身体仍在把甘霖吸收。And still my body drank.

身体橙色,臀部万岁!Body orange, hip hooray!

呼吸使身体有活力。Breath informs the body.