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一条白色缎面裙子。A skirt of white satin.

这缎子摸起来很滑溜。The satin feels smooth.

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她的皮肤像缎子一样光滑。Her skin is as smooth as satin.

第三种织造形式是缎纹组织。A third form of weave is the satin weave.

编织,流苏,丝绵或丝绵花缎。Braids, tassels, velvet or satin ribbons.

月光把海水照得像绸子一般。Moon lights made the sea gleam like satin.

白衣少女,腰系蓝绸带Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes

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她是流着口水在她红缎礼服。She is drooling all over her red satin dress.

如果您想做旗袍,你要用缎子。If you want to make Qipao, you need the Satin.

她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace.

我们有款用黑色和红色缎子做的连身胸罩。We have this teddy bra in black and red satin.

李老太太穿上了她最好的黑缎子衣服。Mrs. lee had put on her best black satin dress.

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我喜欢棉质床单胜于缎面材质的。I like cotton bed sheets better than satin ones.

靓丽的缎子材料,可调的细肩带。Beautiful satin fabric. Narrow adjustable straps.

高质量缎纹面料专供高档酒店使用!Superior satin fabric only for high-rating hotels.

前中带花、叶的缎弓一组对比色。Contrast colour satin bow at base of panel on c. F.

科格纳克带着白脖圈,打着紫缎蝴蝶结。Cognac wore a white collar and purple satin bow tie.

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那个缎面小提包松松地握在她的手指里。The little satin bag was held loosely in her fingers.

一些公鸭脖颈处的羽毛闪着深绿缎面一般的光泽。The necks of the drakes shine like royal green satin.

表面处理为亚光、镜光、喷涂。The surface treatment is Satin or Mirror, or Painting.