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美术课结束了,但沃诗提还没有走。她坐在位子上。The art class was over, but Vashti sat glued to her chair.

沃诗提一直不停的尝试下去,又画出了许多不同颜色的点。Vashti keptexperimenting. Lot of little dots in many colours.

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王所喜爱的女子可以立为王后,代替瓦实提。Then let the girl who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.

英国民谣歌手瓦实提布尼安书面,并于1966年录制的。Written by British folk singer Vashti Bunyan and recorded in 1966.

王就把王后的冠冕戴在他头上、立他为王后、代替瓦实提。So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.

他想念王后瓦实提,他能做甚麽来取代她的位置呢?He missed the presence of his Queen, Vashti. What could he do to replace her?

沃诗提画呀,画呀,画了好多的点,有红点、绿点、黄点、蓝点……Vashti painted and painted. A yellow dot. A green dot. A red dot. A blue dot.

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同时瓦市提皇后,在薛西斯王的后宫,也摆设盛宴,款待妇女。And Vashti the queen gave a feast for the women in the house of King Ahasuerus.

王便将后冠戴在她头上,立她为王后以代瓦市提。So he placed the royal diadem on her head and made her queen in place of Vashti.

王后瓦实提在亚哈随鲁王的宫内也为妇女设摆筵席。Queen Vashti also gave a banquet for the women in the royal palace of King Xerxes.

王就把王后的冠冕戴在她头上,立她为王后,代替瓦实提。so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.

在这期间,王后也为官员的夫人们摆设筵席。While this was going on, Queen Vashti was giving a banquet for the officials' wives.

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瓦实提不想丧失自己的人格,被人当作一份可炫耀的财产。Vashti didn't want to compromise her character by being reduced to a piece of property.

王后瓦实提在亚哈随鲁王的宫内,也为妇女设摆筵席。Also Vashti the queen made a feast for the women in the royal house which belonged to king Ahasuerus.

同时,在王宫里,王后华实蒂也为妇女们开了一个宴会。Also Vashti the queen made a feast for the women in the royal house which belonged to king Ahasuerus.

远在艾瑞莎的畅销曲之前,皇后瓦实提也以自己版本的「尊重」登上排行榜之首。Long before Aretha's hit record, Queen Vashti topped the Persian charts with her own version of "Respect."

第二周,当沃诗提再次走进美术教室的时候,她惊奇的发现在老师的桌子上面挂着的一幅画。The next week, when Vashti walked into her art class, she was surprised to see what was hanging above her teacher's desk.

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按法律应如何处置瓦市提王后呢?因为她没有履行宦官传下的王命。What is to be done by law to Vashti the queen, because she has not done what King Ahasuerus, by his servants, gave her orders to do?

我们无从知道瓦实提是否敬畏上帝,但她的勇气显示出,她知道上帝给予每个人同样的尊严。We have no record that Vashti feared the Lord. But her courage shows that she understood the God-given dignity accorded to every human being.

王后瓦实提不遵太监所传的王命,照例应当怎样办理呢。What shall we do unto the queen Vashti according to law, because she hath not performed the commandment of the king Ahasuerus by the chamberlains?