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什么是语用学?What is pragmatics?

指示是语用学研究的一个重要课题。Deixis play an important role in pragmatics.

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指示语是语用学的重要内容。Deixis is an important content of pragmatics.

文学语用学是一门新兴的边缘学科。Literary pragmatics is a new interdiscipline.

我们需要语用学来解决真理的条件?Do we need pragmatics to fix truth-conditions?

言语行为是语用学研究的一个重要领域。Speech acts are the important field in pragmatics.

研究登载于‘语学日报’上。The study was published in the Journal of Pragmatics.

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功能域是语言运用研究领域中的一个新概念。Functional performance is a new concept in pragmatics.

对礼貌现象的研究一直是语用学的热门话题之一。As we know, politeness is the main topic in pragmatics.

指示现象是语用学研究的重要课题之一。Deixis is one of the core research areas in pragmatics.

主要研究方向为语用学与应用语言学。She mainly explores pragmatics and applied linguistics.

语用学是研究语言使用的一门学问。Pragmatics is the study of application of human language.

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语境是当前语用学研究的一个热点。Context is the most frequently studied theme in pragmatics.

跨文化语用学与翻译研究密切相关。Cross-cultural pragmatics is closely related with translation.

指示现象是语用学研究的基本课题之一。Deixis is one of the basic subjects in the study of pragmatics.

格赖斯语用学的中心概念是‘会话含义’,即讲话者的言外之意。The key concept of the Gricean pragmatics is 'speaker's meaning'.

本文从语用学的角度研究了影射言语行为。This thesis studies innuendo speech act from the angle of pragmatics.

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语境是语用学研究中的关键概念。The notion of context is essential to the pragmatics study of language.

这是因为语义学分析置语用学于不顾。This is all because pragmatics has been neglected by semantic analysis.

语用学是研究什么的?它和传统语义学有何不同?What does pragmatics study? How does it differ from traditional semantics?