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管弦乐队在定弦。The orchestra are tuning up.

有个人正在为钢琴调音。TUNE】A man is tuning the piano.

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POJO之间关联的调优Tuning Associations between POJOs

您可能需要附加的、深入的调优。You might need additional, in-depth tuning.

一切摩擦源均会造成定弦问题。All source of friction cause tuning problems.

另一个比较形象的例子是调音叉。Another good example is that of a tuning fork.

这种激光器允许激光的多频率调谐。This laser design allows for broadband tuning.

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如果他们需要调整自己的目标,他们将会找到我。If they need goal tuning they’ll be coming to me.

ClearType文字微调和显示颜色校准。ClearType Text Tuning and Display Color Calibration.

调优非分代收集器堆设置Tuning heap settings for non-generational collectors

他给小提琴调弦的时候,E弦断了。When he was tuning his violin, the E string snapped.

在这里,工人们正在微调各种不同的景观。Here workers are fine tuning the different landscapes.

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调音器是一种乐器调音的辅助工具。Tuner is a helper tool for tuning musical instruments.

有几个街头演说者在室外音乐台边上试讲。A few soapbox orators are tuning up near the bandstand.

在这种情况下,我们可以重新启用自动调整为好。In this case, we can re-enable the Auto Tuning for good.

你应该需要找到类似调音叉的东西,我可以想像。You'll have to find some kind of tuning fork, I imagine.

高灵敏度麦克风的内部调整声学吉他。High-sensitivity internal mic for tuning acoustic guitars.

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而且当然你只一个单一队调音凝结器。And of course you only need a single gang tuning condenser.

所有的钢琴在调律之外还需要维护。All pianos require maintenance in addition to regular tuning.

18-24岁的人群不会收听电台广告,他们生活在社会媒体中。And the 18-to-24 crowd really is not tuning into the radio ad.