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出现了新问题。A new problem has arisen.

伟大变革的契机正在兴起。A great opportunity for change has arisen.

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有一个职位空了出来,我想要补上。A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.

第一就是「已生恶令断」。First, "Remove any evil that has already arisen."

许多伟人出身低微。Many great men have arisen from humble beginnings.

阿之间出现了争吵马和雄鹿。A quarrel had arisen between the Horse and the Stag.

出现了一个疑问时,试图代表重心。A doubt has arisen when trying to represent centroids.

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这是成都悄然兴起的一种婚庆新形式。This is a kind of chengdu sadly arisen wedding of new form.

与此同时,玛拉基象又一颗巨星一样升起在北方。Meanwhile Malachy had arisen like another star in the North.

冲突与矛盾激发出你相应的潜能力。These skills wouldn't have arisen if there were no conflict.

这样性质的多神教崇拜似乎已经出现。In this way polytheistic nature-worship seems to have arisen.

与环境影响相关的问题正在出现。Problems associated with environmental impact have also arisen.

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长者们说在古克的深处有一些黑暗的力量已经升起。The elders say some dark power has arisen in the depths of Guk.

这个问题在大学中引发了多种争论。Various discords have arisen in the university over this question.

看官之娱、观者之思,全在于作品本身。The amusement and thinking are to be arisen by the works themselves.

而所产生的邮寄费则由购买者承担。However, the mailing fee arisen therefrom shall be born by purchaser.

由这种混杂而繁衍产生了一个现叫作美国人的种族。From this promiscuous breed, that race now called Americans have arisen.

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但之所以出现混淆,这场危机非同寻常的起源也是一个原因。But confusion has also arisen because of the unusual genesis of the crisis.

CAK因为在细胞周期过程中的重要作用,而受到越来越广泛的关注。Because of pivotal function of CAK in cell cycle, broad attention has arisen.

达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。For Dallas, the diminutive J.J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.