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她学会了自己给房子拉接电线、敷设水管。She learned to wire and plumb the house herself.

他把圣经中的话比喻成他心灵的「铅锤」。He likened the Scriptures to "plumb bobs " for his heart.

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那一晚帕朗柏无法入睡,心中一直想着那位先生。Plumb couldn't sleep that night, thinking about that man.

查尔斯.恰克.帕朗柏是越战中美国海军的一位喷射机驾驶员。Charles "Chuck" Plumb was a U.S.Navy jet pilot in Vietnam.

查尔斯.恰克.帕朗柏是越战中美国海军的一位喷射机驾驶员。Charles "Chuck" Plumb was a U.S. Navy jet pilot in Vietnam.

铅垂就是这样确定,重力方向的。The plumb line is being used to find the direction of gravity.

铅垂线总是垂直于水平面。The plumb line is always perpendicular with the horizontal plane.

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可产生二条垂直线和一条水平线,带下对点。Emit TWO vertical line and one horizontal line, plumb below point.

如果你有一个良好的眼球,您可以这样做或使用一个铅垂鲍勃。If you have a good eyeball you can do it that way or use a plumb bob.

网络延迟可能是造成网络反映速度下降的原因之一。The network latency might be one of the reasons that plumb network respose.

其他必须的工具包括米尺,铅垂和罗盘。Additional tools which will be required are metre stick plumb line and compass.

我有他永远难以企及的深度,但是我却了解他肤浅的灵魂。I have depths he'll never plumb , but I know every inch of his wafer-thin soul.

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放映机应该是级在完善的世界与屏幕重力铅锤。The projector should be level in the perfect world with the screen gravity plumb.

请抬起左吊杆摆向舷内,在舱口上方垂直对准下一组货。Please top the port boom inboard to plumb the next set of cargo, over the hatchway.

除了注重运输功能之外,雷奥尼还要在地铁中铺设管道,装上消防栓Apart from the transport function Leonid is going to plumb the metro and to make fireplugs.

在这篇文章中,我已说明了如何对WS的铅垂WCF和工作流的传输服务。In this article, I have described how to plumb the WCF and Workflow for WS-Transfer Service.

悄立其后的是海棠花,红肥绿瘦,雨后清丽。Crab apple flowers stand besides Yulan flowers shyly, red plumb and green thin, cute after rain.

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令人惊奇的是,欧盟和其中许多成员国至今没有深入研究这个问题。Surprisingly, the European Union has yet to plumb the depths of this issue, as have most member states.

陀螺测量仪由陀螺仪、罗盘、铅锤以及经过改造的电影摄像机等组成。The gyroscopic surveying instrument uses a gyroscope, compass card, plumb bob, and modified movie camera.

而普拉姆也著文论述了地方剧院、音乐节目以及儿童玩具和书籍激增的情形。Plumb has written about the proliferation of provincial theater, musical festivals, and children's toys and books.