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施普雷河和哈韦尔河流经该市。Vaclav Havel and Spree River and the river through the city.

推动票房收入大增是大规模的电影院建设潮。Driving this growth is a massive movie-theater-building spree.

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维多利亚公园年宵市场的热闹情况。Shopping spree at the Victoria Park Fair on Lunar New Year Eve.

施普雷河从南面缓缓流过市区。Spree River slowly flows through the urban area from the south.

申请一张信用卡来一次大购物吧,“因为你值得拥有它”。Use your credit card for a shopping spree “because you’re worth it”.

很快,全国上下形成一浪高于一浪的买官热潮。Soon, the country formed a wave higher than the wave of buying spree.

经历疾病使人感到拥有健康的欢喜,正如饥饿之于满足,疲倦之于歇息。Disease makes health spree and good, hunger, satiety, weariness, rest.

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刺激计划鼓励的买车热潮让该城市的街道更加拥挤不堪。A stimulus-encouraged car-buying spree has further clogged city streets.

但如果他们碰上的这帮消费者跑到国外疯狂购物该怎么办?But what if they caught those same consumers on a shopping spree abroad?

恐惧不仅仅由于中国,虽然是她点燃了这轮狂热的军购浪潮。It's not just fear of China, however, that fuels this arms-buying spree.

在商店连番行窃之后,她惶恐终日,害怕给人发现。After her shoplifting spree she lived in mortal dread of being found out.

但中国任何购物狂欢都可能触动政治争议。But any Chinese shopping spree is likely to trigger political controversy.

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每当一艘被劫持的船在岸边抛锚,海盗们的购物狂欢就开始了。Every time a seized ship tosses its anchor, it means a pirate shopping spree.

我注意到她在大采购之后只拿着一个瘪瘪的小购物袋。I noticed she had only one small, flat bag with her after her shopping spree.

印度没时间去拯救他人了,该是印度自己飞速发展的时候了。India’s no longer on a mission to save others, it’s on a self-building spree.

这只生物从实验室逃走后,在乡间到处横行,大开杀戒。The creature escapes from the lab and roams the countryside on a killing spree.

他们称,他使用一支军用突击步枪实施了此次枪击案。They say he used a military-style assault rifle to carry out the shooting spree.

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在媒体巨头打算开展另一轮的抢购风时,总是存在着危险。And there is always the threat that media moguls will go on another buying spree.

资银行在过去18个月中掀起了放贷狂潮,关于这一点,勿庸置疑。There's no doubt China's banks have been on a lending spree for the last 18 months.

很多上海企业涌向西部,掀起了去西部之淘金热。Many enterprises of Shanghai go on a 'gold-rush' spree in the western parts of China.