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同时他还是一名持证野外消防员。He's also a certified wildland firefighter.

试用真实方法混合新鲜理念,创造出更好的荒地船队。Tried-and-true methods mix with fresh concepts to create better wildland fleets.

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选择正确的合作伙伴和策略,帮助荒地经营人保护怀俄明州的栖息地。Choosing the right partners and tactics help wildland managers protect Wyoming habitat.

联邦工作组制定了一个荒地消防队员健身计划以改善健康和安全。A federal task group developed a wildland firefighter fitness program to improve health and safety.

濒临灭绝的老虎,随着荒野冒险旅行社的野生动植物和文化旅游中所看到的一大亮点。Seeing the endangered tiger is a highlight of a wildlife and culture safari with Wildland Adventures.

运用适当的对雷击火灾的反应有助于建立一个成功的荒地火灾使用计划。Applying the appropriate response to lightning fires contributes to a successful wildland fire-use program.

---31岁的凯蒂.沃顿在美国加利福尼亚州龙谷仓作林野消防队员,他以前曾在纽约市美林证券公司就职。Katie Wharton, 31, wildland firefighter in Long Barn, California, formerly with Merrill Lynch in New York City

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新面料,皮革和个人防护以及其他组成部分改进了荒地消防安全。New fabrics, leather and other components in personal protective ensembles offer improved safety for wildland firefighting.

设计满足消防人员要求,尤其是在森林、田野、林地进行灭火工作的消防人员。Engineered to meet the requirements of wildland firefighters, who must combat fire in forest, field and woodland environments.

虽然荒地仪器运行有着令人迷惑的名字数,规范化的期限应该是更好的多个部门共同操作的目标。Although wildland apparatus go by a bewildering number of names, standardized terms should be the goal for better multiple-department operations.

试图通过试验,研究从林火点火源的红外辐射谱特性确定火焰性质的方法。Provide some significant experimental results for determining some properties of igniting fire sources in wildland fire from their infrared radiation characteristic spectrum.

近年来严峻的野火形势需要国家之间的合作和国际社会的合作,以解决超出一个国家处理能力的森林火灾问题。Extreme wildland fire events in the world require cooperation among countries and the international community to cope with situations that exceed the management capabilities of the nation affected.