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那头牛的出肉率很高。The ox kills well.

他使劲地赶牛。He drove the ox hard.

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公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。Ox ox. Big and brown.

我像耕牛一样强壮。I'm as strong as an ox.

公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。O ox ox, Big and brown.

人们管他叫“铁牛”。People call him Iron Ox.

这名男孩国有老黄牛。The boy owned an old ox.

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我们都称他“铁牛”。We all call him Iron Ox.

牛有四个胃。The ox have four stomach.

在亚洲,今年是“牛”年。I was born the year of Ox.

你说得没有错,”牛回答道。It's true, " the ox says."

我喜欢吃牛肉,所以我体壮如牛。So I'm as strong as an ox.

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牛有四个胃。The ox have four stomachs.

现在我吃得下一头牛。Right now I could eat one ox.

牛羊驴马环绕身旁?Where ox and ass are feeding?

你分得出公牛和母牛吗?Can you tell an ox from a cow?

老牛拉犁犁沟直。An old ox makes straight furrow.

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我绝对肯定这是牛骨做的。I'm absolutely sure it's ox bone.

我与可爱的小石牛合照。Take picture with cute little ox.

这头牛在另一个世界耕作。This ox did otherworldly plowing.