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还需要几分严峻的决心。Aan some grim determination.

加沙的形势严峻。The situation in Gaza is grim.

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这些空房子看上去是那么残酷。The empty houses look too grim.

但是有一个例外,很严峻。But there is one grim exception.

我无法逃脱死神。I cannot escape the Grim Reaper.

卫报杜撰了这个悲惨的故事。The Guardian tells the grim tale.

这个怪物格伦德尔严峻的是所谓的。Grendel this monster grim was called.

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讨厌的人们急着结账回家。Grim checkout people urgent to get home.

甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻、面如土色。Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen.

我想我要该让你们下课了On that grim note I think I'll let you go

她开始意识到生活中的种种严酷现实。She is awaking to the grim realities of life.

对你来说,情况似乎真的糟糕得再糟糕了。Things are looking irredeemably grim for you.

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即使在我们讲话之际,无情的时光也会飞驰而去。Even as we speak, grim time speeds swift away.

即使在我们讲话之际,无情的时光也会飞驰而去。Even as we speak, grim time speeds swift awny.

日本丧葬业繁荣或成“死亡国度”。Death industry reaps grim profit as Japan dies.

也有人可能觉得这实在过于冷酷和内敛了。Some may find it too grim and too internalized.

我们儿子的学前老师告诉了我们这一糟糕的消息。Our son’s preschool teacher gave us the grim news.

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全体委员走了出去,脸色凝重,大为震惊。The committee walked out, grim -faced and shocked.

狱吏此时用权杖做了个姿势。The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff.

所以,丧气的观众有著阴沈的忧伤。So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat.