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这条长凳是榆木制的。This bench is made of elm.

那树荫下的一潭。That lake under the Elm shadow.

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榆树大街橡树大街交界处聚众斗殴。"Brawl at Elm and Oak Intersection ".

我想要报火警,榆树路12号失火了。I want to report a fire on 12 Elm Road.

书榆悲痛不已,成勋也替书榆难过。The book of elm grief, for his book Yu.

水管过去是用榆木做的。Water pipes used to be made out of elm.

两汉时期,设置临榆县。Han Dynasty, set up temporary elm County.

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那件榆木的斜倚木雕是特殊的。The elm reclining figures are exceptional.

伊丽莎白有十一矮子在她的榆木树。Elizabeth has eleven elves in her elm tree.

我们把那棵老榆树移植于我家的后花园里。We replanted the old elm in our back garden.

我从联合大道向北到爱尔姆街。I went north on Union Boulevard to Elm Street.

这间老房的房梁是用榆木做的。The girders of this old house are made of elm.

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但是在Elm街有一个旧的社区中心。But there's the old community center on Elm Street.

进一步讨论了乳状液膜的稳定性机理。The principle of ELM stability is further discussed.

例如榆树可以治疗咽喉痛。An example is slippery elm for sore throat and laryngitis.

高街在此分为东街和榆树街。High Street separates here into East Street and Elm Street.

南希、克莉丝、昆丁、杰西和迪安都住在榆树街。Nancy, Kris, Quentin, Jesse and Dean all live on Elm Street.

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他们走到了从榆树街转向正街去的拐角上。They had come to the corner where Elm angles into High Street.

他们偶然发现一座几乎被榆树枝遮住的农舍。They happened on a cottage almost hidden in elm tree branches.

睡在榆树上可能很爽,却是违法的。Sleeping in the elm may be invigorating, but it is also illegal.