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比起怀旧更像是哀歌。It is elegiac rather than nostalgic.

但是,能对一种犯罪行为念念不忘吗?But is it OK to be nostalgic for a crime?

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念旧的人总是可爱的。People who are nostalgic are always lovely.

也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic.

一位老人思念远方的家乡。An old man feels nostalgic for a distant homeland.

浅紫色唤起浪漫和怀旧的情感。Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.

圣诞节是个非常怀旧的日子。You know, I think Christmas is a very nostalgic time.

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但是洛川的农民们有些怀念过去。But Luochuan's rural citizens are nostalgic for the past.

夏至日的食物。清淡。凉面很能勾起思乡之情。Food on the summer solstice. Nostalgic are the cold noodles.

这是一个无知的老家伙充满守旧的、种族主义的梦呓。It is the nostalgic and racist mumbles of an ignorant old man.

好像鱼儿迷恋着大海,鸟儿眷恋着天空一样。Obsessed with the sea like fish, birds, like the sky nostalgic.

永久不变的,心中多了一份对秋的眷念。Permanent change, the mind has a right to feel nostalgic autumn.

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这种季节性的芬芳绝对是您不可错过的。This seasonal aroma's nostalgic note is definitely one to be savoured.

怀旧人老恋旧事,喜欢追忆过去的美好时光。Nostalgia nostalgic old people things, like recalling the good old days.

陈超怀旧情容许了欣儿,却伤害了与孟菲初生的爱情。Allow the love of the nostalgic Chen, but hurt and son MengFei born love.

是否今人怀恋?一个绝望又深沉的现实。Whether modern people nostalgic for? The reality of a desperate and deep.

䇓翱不见面不等于不思念,不联络只是为了掩饰眷恋。Do not meet does not mean not miss, do not contact just to cover up nostalgic.

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但心中总在眷恋着祖国,于是又折回洞庭。But in the minds of the nostalgic of the motherland, and therefore net Dongting.

珠贝是怀旧和极富历史感的装饰品。Bead shellfish is nostalgic the adornment that feels with extremely rich history.

人民不禁想起类似的海报出现在1968年的巴黎或者1936年的西班牙的街头。They are nostalgic in that they resemble the posters of Paris 1968, or Spain 1936.