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为什么会晒黑?Why does skin tan?

我很容易便晒黑。Because I tan easily.

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为什么红头发的人不适合晒黑?Why don't redheads tan?

呃,你做了喷雾晒肤?You got a spray-on tan?

不谙世事的谭小燕信以为真。Xiao-yan tan of believe.

你看上不太黑。You don't look very tan.

下一站是火炭。The next station is Fo Tan.

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你在哪里晒成那样?Where did you get that tan ?

麦色皮肤穿什么颜色最好?Which color is for tan skin?

众人回到谭队长家。The captain back to tan home.

我是说的喷雾晒肤俱乐部?。Did I say spray-on tan places?

胸毛丰富,为亮棕褐色。Hair on chest rich, bright tan.

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我的皮肤太白了,从来晒不黑。I am so white that I never tan.

沈檀半爇髻堆鸦。Shen Tan bun half burn pile crow.

柔和的棕黄色带浅粉亮片。Soft tan with light pink sparkle.

你的脸膛会晒的乌黑发亮。The skin of your cheeks will tan.

谭恩美对这一方式表示赞同。It's an approach Ms. Tan endorses.

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从来不曾后悔认识了你一覃凤!Never regret meeting you Tan Feng!

粉红色,紫色,棕色和茶色坐下。Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan sit down.

粉红色,紫色,棕色和茶色站起来。Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan stand up.