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她的皮肤洁白无瑕,好象乳色的。Her skin was flawless and seemed opalescent.

乳白色手火花染色织物添加到您的设计。Opalescent hand dyed fabrics add sparkle to your design.

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今晚,而且只有今晚,白色墨鱼将交配。Tonight, and only tonight, the opalescent squid will mate.

而Baumberg博士从无到有地创造了自己的乳白色物质。Instead, Dr Baumberg has built his opalescent material from scratch.

从墙壁悬挂是大的圆筒形的形状,乳白光的和有机的。Hanging from the walls were large cylindrical shapes, opalescent and organic.

而天然珍珠是白色、象牙色、粉色或黑色的,带有乳白色的光泽。Pearls in nature come in white, ivory , pink and black with an opalescent glow.

目的分析遗传性乳光牙本质的特殊临床表现并讨论其发病机制。Objective To analyze the special clinical character and mechanism of opalescent dentin.

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一条乳白色的乌贼借助它巨大的眼睛来航行于巴布亚新几内亚附近的夜间水域。An opalescent squid uses its giant eyes to navigate the nighttime waters around Papua New Guinea.

乳白色玻璃可以用来做龙的躯干,同时可以用透明的旧玻璃做主体和背景。It is possible to use opalescent glass for the frame and transparent antique glass for the subject as well as the background.

本文介绍了珠光颜料用于涂料制造指甲油的试验配方和试验工艺。The article introduces the experiment formulations and techniques of nail polish coating, in which opalescent pigments are used.

在明确和乳白色的颜色设计玻璃砖添加丰富的触摸和他们随时可以在堆叠,无砂浆的设计。Designer glass blocks in clear and opalescent colors add a rich touch and they're readily available in stackable, no-mortar designs.

只要加入一点聚合体球体和碳颗粒就可以自然地安排成正确的晶体结构,因此生产光亮的薄膜就很容易了。The polymer spheres and carbon particles arrange themselves spontaneously into the correct crystal structure when encouraged by a little heat, so manufacturing opalescent film should be easy.