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嗨,这是蒂姆伯奇。Hi, this is Tim Berge.

蒂姆热情地招呼她。Tim greets her warmly.

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蒂姆不过是在欲盖弥彰。Tim is just being coy.

你喜欢蒂姆•波顿吗?Do you like Tim Burton?

时间会证实我是对的。Tim would prov m right.

提亩,好主意。That’s a good idea, Tim.

我尽全力找到这里来,蒂姆。I came all this way, Tim.

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提姆,他们灭绝了。They became extinct, Tim.

你为什么喜欢蒂姆·伯顿?Why do you like Tim Burton?

不,提姆,他不会吃你。No, he will not eat you, Tim.

瘦弱的双胞胎锡匠。Tim , the thin twin tinsmith.

提姆已经淋过浴了。Tim has had a shower already.

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蒂姆留着蓬乱的长发。Tim has longish, shaggy hair.

他想把它叫做“大款蒂姆”。He wants to all it Tycoon Tim.

跟蒂姆谈谈,他有内幕消息。Talk to Tim. He's in the know.

这支手表花了提姆一大笔钱。This watch cost Tim a fortune.

蒂姆有该居住单位的部分产权。Tim is part-owner of the flat.

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他想把它叫做“大款蒂姆”。He wants to call it Tycoon Tim.

我认为蒂姆在这部电影中正是这样。I felt that way with Tim on this.

NBC一位新闻记者提姆•罗泽特逝世。NBC newsman Tim Russert has died.