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他是个自由自在、不谈恋爱的人。He is a footloose and fancy-free type of person.

在大家看来,离过婚的男人是自由自在的!In the eyes of the public, a divorced man is footloose and fancy-free.

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在公众心目中,离婚的男人无牵无挂、自由自在。In the eyes of the public, a divorced man is footloose and fancy-free.

不可否认,无疆行走总是让人振奋。It should not be denied that being footloose has always exhilarated us.

我二十几岁的时候,真是自由啊!可以想去哪里就去哪里。When I was in my 20s, footloose and fancy-free , I would travel anywhere.

你不必一定要做这种节俭行事的自由旅行者。You don't haveto be a footloose young traveler to adopt this frugal mindset.

我想去国外,可能会独自去,自由自在,无拘无束。I think i'll go abroad, i'll probably go on my own, footloose and fancy-free.

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相比那些在经济繁荣期间开始工作的同行,在萧条期间开创职业生涯的人显得更稳定。Those who begin their careers in a bust are less footloose than their boom-time equivalents.

本文在流动资本模型的基础上分析了轮轴-辐条型自由贸易协定的产业区位效应。This paper analyses the industry location effect of Hub-and-Spoke FTA based on Footloose Capital model.

陈有证据隐现欧洲其他国家的富人甘心居住正在斯堪的纳维亚天域。There is little evidence that the footloose wealthy from other parts of Europe want to live in Scandinavia.

鲜有证据显示欧洲其他国家的富人愿意居住在斯堪的纳维亚地区。There is little evidence that the footloose wealthy from other parts of Europe want to live in Scandinavia.

但是,中国的经济是道瑞格雷模式,年轻和自由流动的全球身份下隐藏着一个灰暗的现实。But China’s is a kind of Dorian Gray economy, its young and footloose global identity hiding a grayer reality.

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了解微生物的这些偏好有助于治疗皮肤性疾病,让我们的皮肤自由自在,免受感染之苦。Understanding these preferences could help treat skin diseases, leaving our hides footloose and infection-free.

若是个无拘无束的单身汉那时是一回事,但是我无法原谅对背着自己妻子和自己孩子们的母亲四处胡搞的人。Being a footloose bachelor is one thing, but I don’t condone screwing around on your wife and mother of your kids.

我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心-----虽然偶尔我也会渴望从前自由自在的日子。I am still working for Sanderson's and liking it well enough----though occasionally pinning for the footloose days of long ago.

习惯了自由自在的生活,变的懒惰了许多,本来胸无点墨的我变的更加的肤浅、无知。所以才有了今天的患得患失、喜怒无常。I have adapted myself to this footloose life, it made me became lazy and ignorant, so sometimes I felt happy, sometimes I was not in the mood.

现代社会给每人的工作压力都很大,所以我把家看作是惟一让自己无拘无束、自由安闲的地方。The actuating pressure that modern society gives everybody is very great, so I regard the home is the place that only lets he is unrestrained, footloose.

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又可以在天空自由自在的飞翔,而且穿过云层,还可以看到矮矮的人,矮矮的房子,就像小蚂蚁、小火柴盒一般。Can be footloose in the sky to fly again, and cut through the bank of clouds, can also see the very short person, very short house, be like the small ant, small matchbox generally.