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治疗蛇咬伤。外用和内服。Treatment of snake bites. Applied topically and taken orally.

它的作用相当于止痛药,只要局部地涂于患处即可。It act as pain relievers , by being put on topically to the area.

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经证实,加入DMAE的面霜能改善皮肤。DMAE has proven to improve skin when applied topically in a cream.

清洁,独特的和局部相关网站的设计将永远帮助。Clean, unique and topically relevant site designs will always help.

事实上,胶原蛋白不能局部地添加到皮肤中。As the matter of fact, collagen cannot be added to the skin topically.

将维拉帕米霜外涂于豚鼠耳部,观察其对豚鼠表皮的影响。We topically applied verapamil cream on the ears of guinea pigs to observe its effect.

到目前为止,没有任何研究显示任何风险增加对人类使用外用药物。So far, there are no studies showing any increased risk to humans using the drug topically.

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膨胀期白内障患者为预防继发青光眼可给予缩瞳剂。Intumescent cataract patient could topically use iridoconstrictor to prevent secondary glaucoma.

经药物治疗后脓皮症的情形已获得改善。Auditory lesions improved after treatment with antibiotic orally and external medicine topically.

Branco相信,这种凝胶几乎没有副作用,因为它是一种天然产品,而且它只在身体的局部使用。Branco believes the gel will have few side effects, since it is a natural product and will be used topically.

方法采用肝素钠乳膏外涂治疗干性湿疹和神经性皮炎共120例。Method The heparin sodium cream was applied topically in 120 patients with asteatotic eczema and neurodermatitis.

这些都是局部吸收杀虫剂,它需要最低限度的应用,为最大限度地保护您的宠物。These are topically absorbed insecticides, which require minimal applications for maximum protection for your pet.

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它已经相当强大的抗生素化合物,可用于内部或局部,视情况而定。It has rather powerful antibiotic compounds, which can be used either internally or topically , depending on the situation.

由于胶原蛋白不可能在皮肤的局部添加,因此水果及果汁一定要在你的饮食餐普中。Collagen cannot be added to the skin topically and hence fruits and juices must be made an integral part of your daily diet.

目的比较人眼滴用氧氟沙星、环丙沙星及妥布霉素的前房穿透性差异。Objective To compare the aqueous humor penetration of topically applied ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and tobramycin in human eyes.

下一波的化妆品产品接轨补充剂与面霜,乳液,以及其他眼液应用于护肤系统。The next wave of cosmeceutical products merges supplements with creams, lotions, and other topically applied skin-care systems.

因此,必须要有一个机制,能够自动将相关主题与事件的新闻报导聚集在一起。Therefore, it is desirable to have a mechanism to automatically locate topically related topics and events in newswire stories.

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针灸对常年性变应性鼻炎的治疗可能主要是通过局部的直接治疗和整体的调整作用来完成的。The functional mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion on perennial allergic rhinitis is mainly topically and totally regulated.

事实上,胶原物质不能直接进入皮肤,所以每天喝一些果汁以及吃水果是很必要的。It is necessary to drink fruit juices and eat fruit every day. As the matter of fact, collagen cannot be added to the skin topically.

目的观察新斯的明联合复方托吡卡胺滴眼液局部滴眼治疗进行性近视的效果。Objective To observe the effects of neostigmine associated with tropicamide topically dripped for the treatment of the progressing myopia.