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在剪彩的剩余部分青蓝。The remainder of the ribbon is Ultramarine Blue.

远处的天边,则是一片最深的群青。The horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.

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远处的天边,则是一片最深的群青。The horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.

琳达面前的武器控制台一个深蓝色的圆球开始闪烁。Ultramarine spheres flashed over Linda's weapon console.

黄或栗色。铁蓝或称普鲁士蓝,是主要的无机蓝色颜料。The most common blues, Prussian blue and ultramarine , are also inorganic.

这个美丽的颜色范围从光宝石紫,蓝群青。Colors of this beautiful gemstone range from light violet-blue to ultramarine blue.

麦琪的思想远离天主教而沉入了让人眼花缭乱的深蓝色中。Maggie's head was spinning in a daze of ultramarine blue far removed from Catholicism or Polynesia.

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马格里特抛入两条小鱼,忽然间,水面被豔青色的闪光划破,这是鲔鱼对饵鱼发动了攻击。Suddenly the surface broke with an ultramarine and chrome flash as one of the tuna charged at the baitfish.

从北面吹来的微风赶着朵朵白云掠过湛蓝的天空,蓝天下滚动着闪闪发光的大海。A breeze from the north drove little puffs of white cloud across an ultramarine sky, with a bright sea running under it.

同时海外贸易和殖民地的开发,使大量财富集中到英国资产阶级手中。Simultaneously the ultramarine trade and the colony development, causes the massive wealths to concentrate in the Britain bourgeoisie hand.

对外贸易完成由朝贡贸易到私人海外贸易的转型。The circulation of commodities increased. The overseas trade completed from pays tribute the trade to personal ultramarine trade reforming.

因此,群青、青金石和合成群青的EPR信号应是两种硫自由基信号的重叠。The result indicates that the EPR signal of ultramarine, lapis lazuli and artificial ultramarine should be the overlapping signal of two kinds of sulphur free radicals.

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印象派画家通过在钴蓝色或群青色上涂一层红色来得到紫色,或者直接使用当时已经开始生产的紫色钴锰颜料。The Impressionists created violet by glazing cobalt blue or ultramarine with red, or by using new cobalt and manganese violet pigments that had become available to artists.

在最后的模式,这在对生命之树为主题的几个月内制定的颜色终于沦为柠檬黄色,1群青和深绿色。In the final model, which was elaborated in a few months on the theme of the tree of life, the colours were finally reduced to a lemon yellow, an ultramarine blue and a bottle green.

下面的大气是宁静的,染上了一层浅蓝,甚至连被艺术家称作中景的部分,也染上了那种颜色,但是远方的地平线染上的却是浓重的深蓝。The atmosphere beneath is languorous, and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.

山下的大气都懒洋洋的,并且染上了那样一片天蓝色,因而连这片景物上艺术家叫作中景的那一部分也都沾润了那种颜色,而远处的天边则是一片最深的海蓝色。The atmosphere beneath is languorous, and is so tinged with azure that what artists call the middle distance partakes also of that hue, while the horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.

以群青颜料为例进行微胶囊化表面改性实验,并利用计算机模式识别技术,对颜料粒子表面形貌加以识别。Using ultramarine pigment, experiments of surface modification were done by microcapsulizing. The Surface shape of particles was distinguished by the technique of pattern recognition on a computer.