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她遇见奥布朗,后边还跟着仙宫的侍臣。She met Oberon attended by his train of fairy courtiers.

站开些,他们的声音将要惊醒睡着的人。OBERON Stand aside. The noise they make Will cause Demetrius to awake.

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它记载了山中心的一座旧神庙,里面藏有奥伯龙之枪的残片。It talks of an old temple in the heart of the mountain, which holds a piece of the Lance of Oberon.

格雷魔法学校已招收735名学生,其中100名是18岁以下“哈利波特”式的童巫。The Grey School boasts 735 students, of which Oberon claims 100 are under-18 "trainee Harry Potters."

这种混乱的局面让奥伯龙对感到很不高兴,于是命令帕克把巴腾的头变回原状,再解除泰坦尼娅的魔咒。Unhappy with the mess, Oberon orders Puck to change Bottom's head back, and lifts the spell from Titania.

他早在二十世纪八十年代就已怪名昭著,自称培育了世上第一头独角兽。Oberon rose to fame in the early 1980s as an eccentric who claimed to have created the world's first unicorn.

奥博朗还出书写作,出版的许多教材是魔法界公认的“魔法圣经”。Oberon is also a published author, having written many textbooks believed by the wizard community to be the "bibles of Wizardry."

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这比我所能想得到的计策还好。但是你有没有依照我的吩咐,把那爱汁滴在那个雅典人的眼上呢?OBERON This falls out better than I could devise. But hast thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes With the love-juice, as I did bid thee do?

奥伯伦-泽尔-瑞文哈特开办的格瑞魔法学校被认定为学术机构,成为首个被正式认可的魔法学校。Today, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart's Grey School of Wizardry is the first wizard school to be officially recognized as an academic establishment.

奥伯伦泽尔瑞文创办的格瑞魔法学校是第一所官方认证的学术机构。Today, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart’s Grey School of Wizardry is the first wizard school to be officially recognized as an academic establishment.

这种混乱的局面让奥伯龙感到很不高兴,于是命令帕克把巴腾的头变回原状,再解除泰坦尼娅的魔咒。Unhappy with the mess, Oberon orders Puck to change Bottom's head back, and lifts the spell from Titania. He turns the four confused lovers into two happy couples.