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瑞士航空公司的三叉戟20飞离伦敦。Trident out of London at 0920.

把它手里的三叉戟夺过来。Wrest the trident out of her hand.

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瑞士航空公司的三叉戟20飞离伦敦。Swissair Trident out of London at 0920.

水之三叉戟是元素使法杖技能。Water Trident is an elementalist staff skill.

苍龙说那是三叉戟本人的选择!Black dragon said it was the trident my choice!

瑞士航空公司的三叉戟20飞离伦敦。There's a Swissair Trident out of London at 0920.

在蓝衣军团我将如何在三叉棋中踢球?How would I play in a trident attack for the Azzurri?

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湿婆,她强而有力的丈夫,挥舞着可怕的三叉戟。Siva, Her mighty Husband, who wields the fearful trident.

我随时都可以给超级承运集团画个叉叉。I'll take a single Trident over a Super Carrier Group any day.

阿萨吉·文崔斯的乌贼型三叉戟飞船再度露面。Asajj Ventress's squid-like Trident ship makes a return appearance.

滑行至21号跑道,在三叉戟停放试车场地旁的滑行道滑过去。Taxi to runway 21 and by-pass the Trident standing on the run-up pad.

波音727采用类似三叉戟的设计,3台发动机全部装置在飞机尾部。Trident 727 similar design, all 3 engines installed in aircraft tail.

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毒蛇和三叉戟,两个符号化了的路西法,集中了他所有可怕的力量。The serpent and the trident both signify Lucifer, and all his devilishness.

三叉戟之战发生于一个后来被称为红宝石浅滩的地方。The Battle of the Trident was fought at what would come to be called the ruby ford.

18艘战略弹道导弹核潜艇中的4艘不再携带核弹头的三叉戟导弹。Four of the 18 ballistic-missile subs no longer carry nuclear-tipped Trident missiles.

他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。He is the son of Cronus and Rhea . Poseidons' symbols were the dolphin and the trident.

另一些人则代表渔民,配备着一张网来诱捕对方,以及一把用来戳刺对手的三叉戟。Others represented fishermen, with a net to snare opponents and a trident to spear them.

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无论是海水、淡水或含盐的冲洗水,本系统都应付裕如。The Super Trident will operate satisfactorily on salt, fresh or brackish flushing water.

当我带上了海豹三叉佩章时,我也同时接受了这样的使命并且将它作为我一生的职业。By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life.

对高炉热风主管、围管三叉口组合砖的设计计算进行了探讨和实践。The design and calculation combined bricks in trident of main and round hot blast pipes on B.