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你的血压是否急速上升?你会否尝试去踫击他们?Does your blood pressure skyrocket? Do you try and bump them?

以色列袭击伊朗核设施后,石油价格飞涨。Oil prices skyrocket following Israeli raid on Iranian nukes.

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世界上心脏病死亡的数字,可能大大上升。The number of heart-attack deaths may skyrocket in the world.

如果你正在为案件的原则争论,你的花费将会猛涨。If you’re fighting for prinicples, your costs will likely skyrocket.

只有在加拿大气温将飙升至29摄氏度。Only in Canada will the temperature skyrocket to 29 degrees celsius.

能源价格的上涨导致了跨太平洋运输成本的飙升。High-energy prices are causing trans-Pacific transportation costs to skyrocket.

肯定自己过去的成功能直接激励我们向梦想迈进。Embracing our past successes can literally skyrocket us toward what we want in life.

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总统“雄辩”地说,他们的电费将会飞涨。As the president eloquently puts it, their electricity bills will "necessarily skyrocket".

印度尼西亚、菲律马来西亚、越南和其他国家的糖尿病患者人数也增加迅猛。Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and others will also see their figures skyrocket.

如果不进行医疗体系改革,你们的保险金额和现款支付费用仍然会飙升。If we do not reform health care, your premiums and out-of-pocket costs will continue to skyrocket.

不过,如果要想与去年持平,那么在今年剩下的几个月里销量必须实现猛增。Sales would have to skyrocket in the remaining months of the year just to meet last year's numbers.

但是离过婚的和保持离婚状态或者再婚又离婚的的男人死亡的风险会迅速上升。But men who got and stayed divorced or who remarried and divorced again, saw their risk of dying skyrocket.

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这反过来可能将封闭的甲烷释放出来,使全球气温急剧上升4-8摄氏度。That in turn may have released trapped methane which made global temperatures skyrocket by 4-8 degrees Celsius.

它能让你保持积极的生活态度,如果你能做到这些,你的人生就会迈向一个新的巅峰。It will also help you maintain a more positive attitude. All of which will skyrocket you to greater heights in your life.

2006年可萨克的一个大学导师建议他将配送业务外包出去——这使他的生意一飞冲天。It was a college mentor who encouraged Kossack to outsource his distribution in 2006--which helped his business skyrocket.

成功的可能性以及拥有卓越英语技能的需求无疑将在奥运之后飞速增长!The potential for success and the need for excellent English skills will absolutely skyrocket in the post- Olympic period!

如果所有正计划利用核能的国家同时也管理自身的燃料回收,核扩散的危险就会急剧增加。If all of the countries now planning to go nuclear also handle their own fuel cycles, the proliferation risk could skyrocket.

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但所有的服务器可能有更多一些残破的经济路线银、这几天,让观看价格飞涨。All but some servers may have a more crippled economy in the lines of silverleaf , give it a few days and watch the price skyrocket.

过去三年里,加州每年都派出专人捕捉这些食肉类梭子鱼,但梭子鱼的数量却在猛增。The state has devoted full-time crews to catching predatory pike each of the last three years, only to see the population skyrocket.

而我们预计,全球手机互联网用户将在这个假期实现井喷式增长,智能手机销量也会随之增长。We can assume the amount of mobile Internet users will skyrocket over this holiday season with devices going on sale around the globe.