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冰箱给我家带来了方便。DIABLO convenience of a refrigerator to me.

暗黑一直对用户友好。Diablo has always been about user-friendliness.

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暗黑破坏神II的故事是通过四个关卡。The storyline of Diablo II is played through four acts.

他同时也负责战网的框架美工。He also painted the box art for the Diablo Battle Chest.

如果你在找大波罗你正好和他错过。If you're looking for Diablo , then you just missed 'im.

你必须知道暗黑破坏神内在的圣域是隐藏在五个封印后面。Know that Diablo 's innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals.

一群英雄踏上了击杀迪亚波罗和它的兄弟们的征程。A group of heroes begins a quest to defeat Diablo and his brothers.

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暗黑破坏神II还具有一些其他功能,提高游戏的可玩性。Diablo II also has a number of other features that enhance gameplay.

我们会看到暗黑破坏神2中的那些场景呢?这些场景在20年后有什么变化呢?What all places from Diablo II will we see and how they changed in 20 years?

我竟然没有看出来他的身体里居然就暗藏着迪亚波罗!How could I not have seen that he carried within him the very being of Diablo?

当玻璃渣发布新的大菠萝游戏时,会不会有什么影响?Will this have any effect on when Blizzard will announce the next Diablo game?

英雄击败了暗黑破坏神,他试图将暗黑破坏神封印在自己体内。Diablo is defeated by the hero, who then tries to contain Diablo within himself.

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玩家还会经历一些像崔斯特瑞姆这样熟悉的场景么?Will players be visiting any familiar locations in Diablo III, such as Tristram ?

我们将继续监视魔兽争霸III和暗黑II区域上的恶意用户。We continue to monitor the Warcraft III and Diablo II realms for malicious players.

暗黑破坏神II随机生成许多怪物性能,水平奠定奏和项目滴。Diablo II randomly generates many monster properties, level lay-outs and item drops.

无论是暗黑暗黑3向导和两个女巫的战斗中使用元素魔法。Both the Diablo 3 Wizard and Diablo two Sorceress use elemental magic in their battles.

如果你仍然认为暗黑三,看起来像部分相同的专营权,那么,您再用迷惑住了。If you still think Diablo III looks like part of the same franchise, then you're freaking deluded.

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暗黑跑车兰博基尼在1995年出现的塔尔加固定在发动机盖屋顶。The Lamborghini Diablo Roadster appeared in 1995 with its targa roof anchored to the engine cover.

他选择了一块约50,000年前产生于亚利桑那州的峡谷暗黑陨石。He chose a piece of the Canyon Diablo meteorite, which impacted about 50, 000 years ago in Arizona.

我建议你的动作快一点,因为在我们说话的时候,暗黑破坏神可能越来越接近解放他兄弟的那一天。I suggest you find it quickly, for Diablo may be getting closer to freeing his brother as we speak.