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我们被安置在去火车站近便的地方。We're handily placed for the train station.

结果,投来的“人口炸弹”成为哑弹,西蒙轻松获胜。The population bomb was defused, and Mr Simon handily won the bet.

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艾尔·戈尔和乔治·W·布什都按照期望地在爱荷华州轻松获胜。Al Gore and George W. Bush had both won handily in Iowa, as expected.

半决赛中,他直落两盘,轻松击败队友陈金。He faced teammate Chen Jin in the semi-finals and beat him handily in two sets.

如果你已经做了作业上的问题,那个测试就小菜一碟。So, if you've worked the homework problems, you will do the homework quiz handily.

如果这次你在我要求你的时间已经调研过,你会轻松的过的。If you have been investing in the time that I have asked you to, you will pass handily.

福特得益于T型车的受欢迎,同时福特汽车公司逐渐成为汽车的帝国。Ford profited handily from the popularity of the Model T, and Ford Motor Company grew into an empire.

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她赢得了那些犹豫不决的选民的支持,当选后兑现乐她的承诺,并在2006年再次顺利当选。She won over skeptical voters and then delivered on her promises and handily won re-election in 2006.

温莎大量的纪念碟来庆祝皇家婚礼。有些只有一块蛋糕的大小。A wide variety of souvenir plates in Windsor to celebrate the royal wedding. Some are handily cake slice-sized.

12日,她赢得初选,在布法罗由提姆·鲁塞特主持的辩论中轻松击败拉奇奥。She won the primary on the twelfth and handily defeated Lazio in their debate moderated by Tim Russert in Buffalo.

他轻松赢得选举,并服务大众至1837年——这两届任期彻底改变了美国的政治生态。He would win handily and serve as President till 1837 — two terms that transformed the American political landscape.

土地干涸,但是随着穿Teva拖鞋的大胡子导游尤尔.奥然的展示,它似乎充满生机。The ground is parched, but as our guide, Yoel Oren, a bearded man in Teva sandals, handily demonstrated, it teems with life.

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他轻而易举就在初选中击败了前州长福伯斯,并在普选中以压倒性的优势战胜了洛克菲勒州长。He handily defeated former governor Faubus in the primary and won the general election over Governor Rockefeller in a landslide.

足够便利的是,即便之前停止了服务付费,你也可以登录维珍的Web站点来重新激活MiFi。Handily enough, you can get onto the Virgin Web site to re-activate your MiFi, even if you’d previously stopped paying for service.

公共民意测验显示梅德韦杰夫将在第一轮投票中轻松获胜。Public opinion polls indicate Dmitri Medvedev will win handily in the first round. Muscovite Andrei Borodin intends to vote for him.

只要输入你所在的地址,就可以看到用户们原创的路线,并且依据距离、速度和卡路里消耗量为你便利地标出了来。Just input your address and user-generated routes will appear, handily mapped out and measured by distance, speed and calories burned.

拉加尔德似乎已经获得欧洲、美国和中国足够多的支持,能够轻松击败任何挑战IMF总裁职位的对手.Lagarde appears to have enough support in Europe, the United States and China to handily defeat any potential challengers to head the IMF.

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另一家大型企业巴贾杰指出,近年来,小城镇和农村地区的销量不断上升,达到了其家用电器总份额的四分之一。Bajaj, another conglomerate, says small-town and rural sales have risen handily in recent years, to a quarter of its home-appliances business.

它定义了现代每一台计算机工作的模式,尽管苹果轻易在PC销售战争击败主要竞争对手微软。It cemented the template for how every computer works today, even though Apple was handily bested in the PC sales wars by archrival Microsoft.

他回到酒吧,熟练地把枪抛到空中,连看都不看就在头顶把枪接住,朝天花板开了一枪。He went back into the bar handily flipped his gun into the air caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling.