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一条惊涛骇浪的河在牧牛工前面出现。One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand.

然而,在今天汹涌澎湃的经济改革大潮中。However, today the economy of billowy reforms spring tide in.

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它没有戴安娜王妃穿过的那套婚纱那么甜腻奢华。It stood apart from the billowy confection that Princess Diana wore.

当我们坐船从英国去美国时,我们看到了波涛汹涌的大海。We saw the billowy ocean when we traveled from England to America by ship.

看似红火的网游业务也暗潮汹涌。See the net that is like flourishing swim business also undercurrent is billowy.

据悉,由于该地区风浪较大、超载现象多见,海上事故时有发生。Maritime accidents are not uncommon in this area due to billowy waves and overloading.

大树的阴影像黑色的大船停泊在波浪起伏的茫茫草海上。Like black hulks, the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the billowy sea of grass.

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大树的黑影子就如废弃的旧船,停泊在波涛汹涌的草海之上。Like black hulks, the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the billowy sea of grass.

在黑白色的大摆裙上扎一条金色的腰带,可以使你腰部线条看起来更优美,整个人也跟着时尚了不少。You can wear a gold belt over a billowy monochrome dress to define your waist and update your look.

经济全球化的浪潮汹涌而至,它冲击着我们每一个人的日常生活。The tide of economic globalization is billowy and to, it is pounding us the daily life of each person.

在汹涌澎湃的主流文明中,电视扮演着非常独特而富有魅力的角色。Television plays a unique and charming role in the billowy main stream of civilization, but it can easily make people impetuous.

用户可以单独地旋转粒子以获得特殊的效果,例如翻滚的浓烟,飞行的残片,旋转飘落的雪花等等。You can rotate individual particles to create many different effects, such as billowy smoke, flying debris, and swirling snowflakes.

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与此同时,“70码”、“欺实马”在网上迅速蹿红,成为新的网络名词,汹涌的网络舆论变得更加炽热。Meanwhile, "70 " , " bully solid horse " rapid on the net leap up is red, make new network name, billowy network public opinion becomes more blazing.

面对来势凶猛的全球化浪潮,一方面我们应有敏锐的文化警觉,另一方面更应有我们的智性策略。Facing the billowy tide of globalization, on one hand, we should get an acute cultural awareness, on the other hand, we need to adopt wise strategies with urgency.

面对此次汹涌而来的金融风暴,从千禧年科技股泡沫中涅磐的中国概念股,采取了一些主动措施。Face this billowy and the financial storm that come, from millennium science and technology the Chinese concept of huge rock of the Nie in bubble, took a few active step.

我们能够无视他们发育提前的汹涌波涛,无视他们已经不再是“孩子”的想法,都会被他们“嗤笑”。We can disregard the billowy great waves that their development shifts to an earlier date, disregarding them had been no longer " the child " idea, metropolis by them " sneer ".

正当他们就要追上织女的时候,王母娘娘拨下了头上的一个簪子画了一下,一条巨浪汹涌的大河便横在了牛郎面前。At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand.

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面对全球金融服务贸易自由化的滚滚浪潮,我们必须对金融服务贸易自由化有清醒的认识,并进行理论上的系统研究和实践上的深入思考。Facing the billowy wave of global liberalization of trade in financial services, we must have clear comprehension of it and make systemic study in theory and deep consideration in practice.

为营造湿地的效果,劳登坚持要求雅虎种上大片草皮,这些草要不用割,而且不能比她安装的22簇顶部有反光装置的金属线高出5英寸以上。For a swampy effect, Ms. Louden insisted that Yahoo plant a billowy grass that wouldn't need mowing and would grow no more than 5 inches high around her 22 groupings of reflector-tipped wire.

那天上午,圣安托万区有黑压压的一大片衣衫褴褛的人潮水一般涌来涌去。在攒动的人头上不时有光芒闪过,那是熠耀在阳光下的战刀和刺刀。Saint Antoine had been, that morning, a vast dusky mass of scarecrows heaving to and fro, with frequent gleams of light above the billowy heads, where steel blades and bayonets shone in the sun.