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难道今天特别想贤士?Does today specially think magi?

魔术家讲以下故事。The magi tells the following story.

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无论在任何地方,他们都是最聪明的人。Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.

腰带的战士贤士现在有一个插座的奖金。Girdle of the Warrior Magi now has a socket bonus.

所以,这两个傻瓜其实是最聪明的人,就像那三位东方的贤人。So those two foolish people were the wisest of all. They are the Magi.

博士们确实只相差9英里,但这距离是因他们是人而铸成的。The Magi are indeed off by 9 miles, but they are so because they are human.

米底亚人与波斯人由强势教士部族梅格斯所统治。The Medes and Persians were dominated by a powerful priestly tribe, the magi.

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东方三博士告诉希律王说他们来敬拜新生儿称王。The Magi or wise men tell Herod they have come to worship a baby born to be king.

东方贤士在白冷城跪下朝拜那个婴孩的时候,他们发现了神的面貌。The Magi from the East found it when they knelt down before the Child of Bethlehem.

艾萨罗在一场僧侣的战争中以叛徒的角色被惩罚至灵界。Ezalor was punished to the spirit realm for his traitorous role in the War of the Magi.

这是有可能,但是,贤士熟悉伟大救世主的预言。It is likely, however, that the Magi were familiar with the great Messianic prophesies.

于是希律王私下召见那几位天文学家,仔细查问那星出现的准确时间。Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared.

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贤士们来到了白冷,因为他们顺从异星的指引。The Magi reached Bethlehem because they had obediently allowed themselves to be guided by the star.

当下希律暗暗地召了博士来,细问那星是什么时候出现的。Then Herod called for the Magi secretly. He found out from them exactly when the star had appeared.

例如是东方三博士,他们观察到一颗大星星直接地越过了伯利恒,跟随它到出生地。Like the Magi , they observed a huge star directly over Bethlehem and followed it to the birthplace.

心是可燃的,像东方三贤和二次圣临里,帮助耶稣出世的能量The heart is combustible, like the energy that insists on birth in "The Magi" or "The Second Coming."

心是可燃的,像东方三贤和二次圣临里,帮助耶稣出世的能量“The heart is combustible, like the energy that insists on birth in "The Magi" or "The Second Coming."

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耶酥诞生之日,三位麦琪赠送给他三样礼物,那些礼物预示着耶酥的一生。Jesus was born, the three Magi presented to him three kind gifts, those giftsforeshow of Jesus's life.

将博士与希律放在一起,我们可以看到基督的显现带来不同的反应。Taking the Magi and Herod together, we can see the epiphany of Christ engendering different responses.

你知道,贤士都是贤者----非常聪明的人----把礼物带给马槽里的圣婴。The magi , as you know, were wise men-wonderfully wise men-who brought gifts to the newborn Christ-child.