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王瑜伽的最高层次是什么?And what is the culmination of raja-yoga?

事实上,它是犹太教的顶峰。Actually, it is the culmination of Judaism.

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维基解密就是这些实现想法的高潮吧。WikiLeaks is the culmination of all these concepts.

阿拉伯革命武装已经达到了血战的高潮,联合国的禁飞区决意获得通过之后联合军也开始轰炸利比亚。The Arab Revolution has come to a bloody culmination.

这样做出的面包布丁将是你努力与技巧的顶级体现。The result will be the culmination of effort and skill.

圈闭最高点称为脊部或顶部。The highest point of a trap is the crest, or culmination.

先生们,我们宏伟计划的高潮部分迅速就会到来。Gentlemen, the culmination of our great plan approaches fast.

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对其他人来说,就是职业计划道路的至高点。For others, it's the culmination of a well-planned career path.

这是一个没有其他途径可以达到的精彩高潮。That is a marvelous culmination that can be achieved in no other way.

新兴市场股市今年原本就相当不景气,本周更是陷入低潮。It's a culmination of a pretty crummy year for emerging market stocks.

实际上,这是几百年来礼仪不断变化、高起迭落的结果。It was, in fact, the culmination of hundreds of years of changing manners.

经典系列干红葡萄酒是美神希尔酒庄25年酿酒历史的巅峰之作。The Legacy series wines are the culmination of 25 years crafting fine wine.

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例如,一本由章节组成的书,有高潮及终结点。For example, a book composed of chapters has culmination and termination points.

西班牙人的第二个进球甚至还得益于全队多达31次的连续传递。The Spaniard's second goal was the culmination of a 31-pass move from Liverpool.

马哈苏德之死是今年极度追杀活动的一个高潮。Mehsud's death is the culmination of an intense assassination campaign this year.

这是你们勤学不辍的顶峰,也标志着你们人生美好未来的开始。This culmination of your hard work marks just the beginning of your very bright futures.

是太空堡垒,目前已进入最后赛季的电视转播高潮的女权运动?Is Battlestar—now in its final season—the televised culmination of the feminist movement?

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在短短的几个星期里,学到这些知识是一个奇妙的事情。It was a wonderfully good problem to have this too at the culmination of just a few weeks.

0的发布是社区花费了大量时间和精力的巅峰之作。The release of jMaki 1.0 is a culmination of a lot of hard work and time by the community.

特别是他的书法艺术代表了中国汉字艺术的顶峰。His calligraphy in particular represents the ultimate culmination of the Chinese writing art.