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小客车当量?。Passenger Car Equivalent?

但它们并非是是等效的。But they are not equivalent.

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否则,二者是等效的。Otherwise, they are equivalent.

象质指示器当量灵敏度。Equivalent I. Q. I. sensitivity.

高中及以上学历。High school diploma or equivalent.

这是一间三星级的酒店或同等旅店。It's a 3-star hotel or equivalent.

每个问题都有对偶性。Every problem has a dual equivalent.

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1公里为2华里。One kilometre is equivalent to two li.

这就是在文化上等价于铁锈的东西。This is the cultural equivalent of rust.

两式是等价的。So this is really the equivalent of this.

女阴没有男性的对等物。There is no male equivalent of the vulva.

5英镑相当于多少法国法郎?What is 5 equivalent to in French francs?

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席德就相当于火星任务的本身。Sid is the equivalent of the Mars mission.

一由旬,佛陀说,等于A yojana, the Buddha said, is equivalent to

那不就相当于乐队的指挥嘛!I'd I be equivalent to the band's conductor!

大学专科毕业或同等学历。College graduate or its education equivalent.

也就是说它们有着相同的能量。That is to say they are of equivalent energy.

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它和文本栏是相同的。This is equivalent to the field of text type.

假设所有基金均表现出同等的回报。All of the funds exhibited equivalent returns.

所有的这些是想说明,它们是功能相当的黑盒。All this to say, they're black box equivalent.