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他们却说,我们不行在其间。But they said, We will not walk therein.

西西弗斯无声的全部快乐就在于此。All Sisyphus ' silent joy is contained therein.

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那里头关著好多鸭子和肥鹅。Where the ducks and the geese were put therein.

每一突起在其上具有至少一个槽。Each protuberance has at least one slot therein.

我运行它,回车,但那里什么也没出现。So I run this, Enter, and therein lies the nothing.

试验的真正的主要泉源就在此。Therein lies the true mainspring of the experiment.

这就是中国篮球最大的障碍所在。Therein lies the biggest obstacle for Chinese basketball.

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这个白手起家的亿万富翁也面临着问题。And therein lies the problem for this self-made billionaire.

简单,不可混同与“容易“,这就存在一个问题,它也引导我提出下面的第三条。And therein lies the problem. Which leads me to point three.

她一定还要恬然处之,还要觉得其中有乐趣呢。She would have taken it calmly, and found pleasures therein.

不会,她只会泰然处之,而且还要从中找到乐趣。No, she would have taken it calmly, and found pleasures therein.

愿那夜没有生育,其间也没有欢乐的声音。Lo, let that night be solitary, let no joyful voice come therein.

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在此,重新启动的有点像是古代预言大同世界来临的功能。Some of the ancient functions of prophecy are reactivated therein.

“王妹,”彼得国王说,“这一点我要请你原谅。"Madam, " said King Peter, "therein I pray thee to have me excused.

以撒外出到田间沉思默想,上帝就祝福他。So was Isaac blessed when he walked therein at eventide to meditate.

因此,非智力因素在高职教育中的重要性是不容忽视的。The non-intelligence factor rose the count for much function therein.

弟兄们,你们各人蒙召的时候是什么身分,仍要在神面前守住这身分。Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.

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2断乎不可!我们在罪上死了的人岂可仍在罪中活著呢?God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

而这其中潜藏着看空中国的最大风险,不过也有做好的可能。And therein lies the greatest risk of betting against China. It may do well.

可我会毕恭毕敬对待我的无知,因为那里可诞生荣誉和嘉奖。But I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.