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我没用过雅虎地图。I am trashy Guo Yahu map.

对用户没用,搜索引擎也不喜欢。Trashy to the user, search engine to also do not like.

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滚下这些台阶去,你这个下流货,滚出这片土地!Get off those steps, you trashy wench! Get off this land!

在中国,还有一部分人没用上电话。Be in China, still have one part person trashy electrify word.

因为她知道如何看起来像一个完全的刁妇,但却不必贬低自己。She knows how to look like a total vixen without being trashy.

所以你不能让自己一整天蜷在沙发里看电视和垃圾小说。So that bars daytime TV, trashy novels and lounging on the sofa.

我轻轻地问,我已经好久没用这种语气和她说话了。I ask gently, I already for ages trashy this kind of mood and she talked.

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一个很好的方法估计大家都没用到,那就是网络收藏夹。A very good method reckons everybody is trashy to, that is network favorite.

一夜成名仅仅发生在童话,以及垃圾的小说和电影中。Overnight Success Happens Only in Fairy Tales, Trashy Novels, and Bad Movies

有个人名叫霍华德,住在纽约市区一座卫生状况很糟糕的公寓里面。In downtown New York, at a somewhat trashy apartment, there lived a man named Howard.

但是这些关于垃圾的想法已经在我脑海里萦绕太久了,我似乎不能停止去想它们。But these trashy thoughts have been on my mind too long, and I can’t seem to stop thinking about them.

此后好几个月,她都露出一种忧郁的神情,我怎么安慰、爱抚她也没用。After this several months, she shows a kind of blue expression, how am I comforted, caress her trashy also.

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她的裙子的折边等看上去略微有点差劲,但话又说回来,这是她第一次表演。Her dress was somewhat trashy looking with the hemline and all, but then again, this is her first performance.

鼻子呼吸时困难已经有好几年了,以前看了很多医生,打过针都没用。The difficulty when nose breathes has had several years, saw a lot of doctors before, had hit a needle trashy.

如果前面那堵墙很高,那么推我也没用,现在门槛比较低,所以踉踉跄跄地冲出来了。If in front that fence is very high, so push me trashy also, the doorsill is lower now, so ground of Liang stagger Qiang rushs.

其实被动和主动也是相对的,别人不敢打的牌留在手里有用没用还要看再摸进什么牌。In fact, passive and active is relative, they dare not playing the cards in his hand is useful and trashy also touch what card.

这些白痴以为自己很了不起,要是没有侨汇和我们美国人与他们那没用的女人结婚的话,他们的经济早就崩溃了。These fools think they're everything, but their economy would collapse without remittances and our men marrying their trashy women.

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公鸡吃了伟哥以后,果然如虎添翼,没用一天的工夫就将鸡场所有的母鸡搞定了。After the cock had Wei elder brother, as expected with might doubled , trashy time of a day does hen of gallinaceous place some decided.

整场秀庸俗又蹩脚,那个有着时尚的长裤和夹克,备受Chloé顾客喜爱的世界,已经离她而去,她收集到的都是普遍的严厉批评。Trashy and vulgar, a world away from the chic trousers and jackets her Chloé customers loved her for, the collection was universally panned.

我懒散地喝着冰啤,视线滑过手里无聊的小说,斜斜注视着几米开外的排球赛。Lazing beneath with a cold beer, I squinted past the pages of my trashy novel to watch the progress of a volleyball match taking place a few metres away.