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再唠叨几句题外话。Just a few words about housekeeping.

晚上好,这里是客房部。Good evening. Housekeeping Department.

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每家饭店都有房务部门。Every hotel has a housekeeping department.

早上好,客房部。需要我效劳吗?Good morning. Housekeeping . May I help you?

和总务部门仔细检查一下。Doule check with the housekeeping departement.

女孩们有出色的持家能力。These girls possess suberb housekeeping skills.

必须经常保持工厂整齐清洁。Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times.

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去年他的姐姐管理家务。His sister quarterbacked the housekeeping last year.

管家早上7点开始工作,他们非常非常非常嘈杂。Housekeeping starts a 7am and they were SOOOO noisy.

我的名字是艾琳我是管野部服务员。My name is Irene I'm the housekeeping Department waiter.

您可以叫客户部的服务员为您补上。You might ask the housekeeping clerk to mend it for you.

上交客房部办公室所有客人丢失的物品。Turns-in all lost and found items to housekeeping office.

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在机器上整理不好,在机器部件上挂花。Poor housekeeping and fluff accumulation on machine parts.

我们客房部有很好的托婴服务。Our Housekeeping Department has very good baby-sitting service.

详细情况,请拨“8”与客房部联系。For more information, please dial 8 and you'll get Housekeeping.

林小优也到金海岸大酒店做了一名客房服务员。Lin small excellent also to the gold coast hotel a housekeeping.

询问客房部是否发现客人的丢失物件。Contact the Housekeeping Department and ask if the item was found.

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向管家部办公室报告拾获客人遗留物品及损坏物品情况。Report the damage and the Lost & Found to the Housekeeping Office.

在它能够侦听客户机之前,必须进行一些内部操作。Before it can listen for clients, it must do a bit of housekeeping.

如果需要服务,请与客房中心或总服务台联系。For any assistance, please contact housekeeping center or front desk.