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就是胃不和则卧不安。She just broke up with Aden.

叶门亚丁湾星际之�…Gulf of Aden Stargate is Opening ?

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千岛湖补给舰停靠亚丁湾。Supply ship Qiandaohu docks at Gulf of Aden.

示威者在亚丁与安全部队发生冲突。Protesters fought with security forces in Aden.

目前,亚丁海港和蒙巴萨港的安全措施已在逐步加强。Port security in Aden and Mombasa has been stepped up.

拿布萨阿索来说,这里曾经是亚丁湾上一个欣欣向荣的港口小镇。Take Boosaaso, once a thriving port town on the Gulf of Aden.

中国北京到亚丁机票价格,特价机票,航班时间查询。Beijing, China to Aden ticket price ticket fare, and flight query.

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2008年,在亚丁湾海域发生的海盗行为增加了一倍多。Acts of piracy more than doubled in the Gulf of Aden area during 2008.

目前中国有三艘军舰在亚丁湾和印度洋执行巡逻及护航任务。China has three warships patrolling the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean.

在那里他们经过短暂航行跨越了亚丁湾,抵达索马里。From there they sailed a short distance across the Gulf of Aden to Somalia.

他说,成千上万的人越过亚丁湾逃离索马里,以寻求更好的生活。He says tens of thousands flee across the Gulf of Aden seeking a better life.

移民们通常雇佣走私船搭载他们渡过亚丁湾或红海。Migrants often hire smugglers to take them across the Gulf of Aden or Red Sea.

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库什内说,欧盟军舰可以在12月抵达亚丁湾。Kouchner says the European ships would reach the Gulf of Aden sometime in December.

我们过亚丁弯时用机舱作为船员最后的堡垒。N when we passing gulf of aden , we use engine room act as final crew protect area.

这艘悬挂意大利国旗的“巴克尼亚号”拖船是4月11日在亚丁湾被海盗劫持的。The Italian-flagged tugboat Buccaneer was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden on April 11.

也门,位于索马里对面的亚丁湾海滨,与索马里有着同样的困扰。Yemen, on the opposite shore of the Gulf of Aden from Somalia, is equally burdened.

大约33,000艘船去年经过亚丁湾,根据五角大楼数据。About 33,000 ships transited the Gulf of Aden last year, according to Pentagon data.

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为了改善亚丁湾的信息状况和安防情况,采用了空中协助的办法。Aerial support has been used to improve information and security in the Gulf of Aden.

2000年,美国军舰“科尔”号在也门的亚丁港口加油时遭受了攻击。The USS Cole was refuelling in the port of Aden in Yemen when it was attacked in 2000.

本周,印度海军在亚丁湾击沉了一艘海盗的武装补给舰。This week the Indian Navy destroyed a heavily armed "mother ship" in the Gulf of Aden.