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他们使山艾树的数目受到控制。They keep sagebrush under control.

事实上他是知道灌木丛烧不起来。In point of fact, he knew the sagebrush would not burn.

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酒色呈现新鲜,活泼,深色的樱桃色彩,浓郁的小黑莓、橡木、艾草以及。A show fresh, lively, dark cherry color, rich little blackberry, oak, sagebrush.

但是就在几英尺之外,收到加热的山艾树生长状况好很多,虫子很少。But just a few feet away, sagebrush under the heater grows far better with fewer bugs.

四周风火肆虐,猛咬着杜松树,把山艾树烧成了灰烬。Fire and wind raged all around, snapping juniper trees and incinerating the sagebrush.

我们发现,加热使山艾树生长速度过快。much more rapidly, we found that the heating is causing profuse growth of the sagebrush.

在没有加热的自然区域,山艾树是很多昆虫的水源。In the unheated natural area, sagebrush is a source of moisture for an army of thirsty insects.

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蒿与蒿类半灌木植物是天然草地资源中饲用价值高、分布广、数量多的一类重要牧草。Sagebrush is one of major components with high feeding value and wide distribution in native pasture.

放牧强度起调节作用是冷蒿对放牧的适应机制。Fringed sagebrush boasts an adaptive mechanism to adjust to the different extents of grazing pressure.

他们从灌木丛废墟中来到一片铁轨欧昂的平坦坚硬的盐碱地上。They stepped out from among the ruins of their sagebrush booth upon a patch of hard, bare earth close to the railroad track.

在没有加热的自然区域,山艾树是很多昆虫的水源。他们使山艾树的数目受到控制。In the unheated natural area, sagebrush is a source of moisture for an army of thirsty insects. They keep sagebrush under control.

每当秋天来临,积雪会使得食物及其匮乏,羚羊群要穿过怀俄明的格罗斯·温特山脉,向食物充沛的南方迁徙。When snow makes food sources scarce each fall, the herd heads through Wyoming's Gros Ventre Range toward plentiful sagebrush to the south.

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夫妇俩从摩德纳附近的56号口拐出,离开高速路,沿着土路向北驶入汉布林山谷,不久便达到了一片遍布山艾树的红土地。The couple turned off Highway 56 near Modena and headed north up a dirt road into Hamblin Valley. Soon they'd entered a stark terrain of sagebrush and red earth.

叹了口气,她把目光移到近些的风景来,茫然地盯着沿着铁路边的山艾树上新近冒出的银青色的叶子。With a sigh, she returned her gaze to the nearer landscape, and stared sightlessly at the newly emerged tender silver-green leaves on the sagebrush lining the railroad.

灰白色的盐碱地、褐色的泥土和锈迹斑斑的绿色灌木构成了前景色,背景则融化在一片灰紫色中。The whitey-gray of the alkali-patches, the brown of the dry earth, and the rusty green of the sagebrush filled the foreground, melting in the distance into a purple-gray.

格林曾是一名摩门派教徒,据说同时与5个妇女结婚。他与5位妻子及25个孩子居住在犹他州沙漠地带的几所移动房子中,那里距最近的加油站也有50英里,周围蒿草丛生,到处是盐碱地。Green, the five women and their 25 children live in a clutch of mobile homes in the Utah desert, a landscape of sagebrush and salt flats 50 miles from the nearest gas station.