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他是一个好的篮板手。He's a really good rebounder.

他是一个出色的篮板手和火锅手。He is a great rebounder and shot blocker.

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我的篮板抢得很好,而且封盖和抢断也很多。I've always been a good rebounder and always got a lot of blocks and steals.

他篮板不行、对抗能力不强以及防守时站不住位置。He is a bad rebounder , can't swat, and can't hold his position on the block.

我认为约什在投篮和抢篮板球能力上比罗尼更好些。I think Josh is probably a better perimeter shooter and rebounder than Ronny.

大卫•韦斯特是一个全明星球员,他有出色的中距离投篮,并且还是一个非常好的篮板手。David West is an all-star that has a great mid-range game and is a very good rebounder.

可是这次湖人缺少了他们的二号得分手和篮板手。This time, though, the Lakers will be without their second-leading scorer and rebounder.

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如果你不想到室外去锻炼,你可以去买个小蹦床。If you don’t want to go outside to exercise, get yourself a rebounder which is a mini-trampoline.

但乐福在世锦赛上是美国队里最好的篮板手,在19.6分钟内能够抢下5.2个篮板。But Love has been a better rebounder in the Worlds than his teammate, averaging 5.2 in 19.6 minutes.

事实上,大本仍然扮演的是一名角色球员,专门负责拼抢篮板和脏活。Realistically, he's become a role player, a defensive specialist and rebounder who does the dirty work.

作为首发,他们失去了第三高得分手,第二篮板手和盖帽王。For starters, they lose their third leading scorer, second leading rebounder , and leading shot blocker.

这个赛季黄蜂球员都未受到伤病困扰,还有着全明星大卫韦斯特和联盟顶尖篮板高手钱德勒。The Hornets have been healthy this season and have an All-Star in David West and a top rebounder in Tyson Chandler.

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上赛季的篮板王早就是板上钉钉的事情了,现在他只是在变得更好。Last season's leading rebounder has already developed into a stud, and he is only going to get better as the years pass.

它们的步骤都很容易学,但如果您要加大难度,只需按下rebounder上的按钮。They’re easy enough to follow all the steps, but you can choose your difficulty by simply pressing harder on the rebounder.

我这里一个像那样的置物盒都没有,但是我打算订购第二张rebounder,把它放在我海边的房子,那样我就能有两个特制的置物盒了。I didn’t get one with my package, but when I order the second rebounder to keep at Marina’s house I’ll get myself 2 carrying cases.

如果打得不强悍都能成为防守出色的篮板捍卫者的话,那湖人的当务之急就是解决二次篮板和整体防守的问题。If it is possible to be a good defender and good rebounder without toughness, then the Lakers should settle for rebounders and defenders.

“我也不知道为什么会那样,”贾巴尔说,“他以前是一个很好的防守篮板者,也能抢到几个前场篮板。”"I don't know what's up with that, " Abdul-Jabbar said. "Usually he's a very good defensive rebounder and he gets some offensive glass. "

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奇才队也可能是缺少了主要得分手和篮板王贾米森,谁离开周一晚上的97-96输给多伦多猛龙与脚踝受伤。The Wizards may also be without leading scorer and rebounder Antawn Jamison, who left Monday night's 97-96 loss to Toronto with an ankle injury.

在火箭的当家球星,头号得分手和篮板王姚受伤后的所有比赛里,八弟平均砍下了21.7分和8.3个篮板。Including the game in which Yao was hurt, Battier has averaged 21.7 points and 8.3 rebounds since the Rockets lost their leading scorer and rebounder.

例如,相比一个差内防队员及不善于争夺篮板的球员,一个了不起的内防队员和善于争夺篮板球的球员会更容易在他的封盖技术上取得进步。For example, a great inside defender and rebounder will find it easier to improve his shot blocking than a poor inside defender and poor rebounder would.